#146 Modify infosssd plugin to fetch attributes from dbus
Merged 7 years ago by dtheisen. Opened 7 years ago by dtheisen.
dtheisen/ipsilon infosssd-dbus-lookup  into  master

file modified
+3 -4
@@ -237,18 +237,17 @@ 

  Provides an info plugin to retrieve info from the Fedora Authentication System


  %package infosssd

- Summary:        SSSD & mod_lookup_identity-based identity plugin

+ Summary:        SSSD & DBus-based identity plugin

  Group:          System Environment/Base

  License:        GPLv3+

  Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

- Requires:       mod_lookup_identity

+ Requires:       dbus

  Requires:       libsss_simpleifp

  Requires:       sssd >= 1.12.4

  BuildArch:      noarch


  %description infosssd

- Provides an info plugin to allow retrieval via mod_lookup_identity and


+ Provides an info plugin to allow retrieval via DBus and SSSD.



  %setup -q

file modified
+61 -58
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@ 

  # Copyright (C) 2014 Ipsilon project Contributors, for license see COPYING


- # Info plugin for mod_lookup_identity Apache module via SSSD

- # http://www.adelton.com/apache/mod_lookup_identity/

+ # Info plugin for SSSD attributes via DBus


  from ipsilon.info.common import InfoProviderBase

  from ipsilon.info.common import InfoProviderInstaller

  from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginObject

  from ipsilon.util.policy import Policy

  from ipsilon.util import config as pconfig

- from string import Template

- import cherrypy

  import time

  import subprocess

  import SSSDConfig

  import logging

+ import dbus


  SSSD_CONF = '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf'

@@ -27,18 +25,18 @@ 




- # Map the mod_lookup_identity env variables to Ipsilon. The inverse of

- # this is in the httpd template.

+ # These are mapped from the infosssd configuration in sssd.conf

  sssd_mapping = [

-     ['REMOTE_USER_GECOS', 'fullname'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_EMAIL', 'email'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME', 'givenname'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME', 'surname'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_STREET', 'street'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_STATE', 'state'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_CITY', 'city'],

-     ['REMOTE_USER_POSTALCODE', 'postcode'],


+     ['gecos', 'fullname'],

+     ['mail', 'email'],

+     ['givenname', 'givenname'],

+     ['sn', 'surname'],

+     ['street', 'street'],

+     ['st', 'state'],

+     ['locality', 'city'],

+     ['postalCode', 'postcode'],

+     ['telephoneNumber', 'phone'],

+     ['*', '*'],



@@ -49,7 +47,8 @@ 

          self.mapper = Policy(sssd_mapping)

          self.name = 'sssd'

          self.description = """

- Info plugin that uses mod_lookup_identity and SSSD to retrieve user data."""

+ Info plugin that uses DBus to retrieve user data from SSSd."""

+         self.bus = None



@@ -61,19 +60,46 @@ 

      def _get_user_data(self, user):

          reply = dict()

          groups = []

-         expectgroups = int(cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ.get(

-             'REMOTE_USER_GROUP_N', 0))

-         for key in cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ:

-             if key.startswith('REMOTE_USER_'):

-                 if key == 'REMOTE_USER_GROUP_N':

-                     continue

-                 if key.startswith('REMOTE_USER_GROUP_'):

-                     groups.append(cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ[key])

-                 else:

-                     reply[key] = cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ[key]

-         if len(groups) != expectgroups:

-             self.error('Number of groups expected was not found. Expected'

-                        ' %d got %d' % (expectgroups, len(groups)))


+         # Get object for sssd infopipe

+         infosssd_obj = self.bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe',

+                                            '/org/freedesktop/sssd/infopipe')


+         # Get Users object and interface from DBus

+         users_obj = self.bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe',

+                                         '/org/freedesktop/sssd/infopipe/Users')

+         users_if = dbus.Interface(users_obj,

+                                   'org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe.Users')


+         # Get path, object, and interface for specific user

+         user_path = users_if.FindByName(user)

+         user_obj = self.bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe',

+                                        user_path)


+         # Get GECOS, attributes, and groups

+         reply['gecos'] = str(user_obj.Get(

+             'org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe.Users.User',

+             'gecos',

+             dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE))

+         user_attrs = user_obj.Get('org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe.Users.User',

+                                   'extraAttributes',

+                                   dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)

+         user_groups = infosssd_obj.GetUserGroups(

+             user,

+             dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe')


+         for group in user_groups:

+             groups.append(str(group))


+         for attr_name in user_attrs:

+             attr_name = str(attr_name)

+             if len(user_attrs[attr_name]) == 1:

+                 reply[attr_name] = str(user_attrs[attr_name][0])

+             else:

+                 reply[attr_name] = []

+                 for attr_val in user_attrs[attr_name]:

+                     reply[attr_name].append(str(attr_val))


          return reply, groups


      def get_user_attrs(self, user):
@@ -100,26 +126,10 @@ 


          if not self.get_config_value('preconfigured'):

              raise Exception("SSSD Can be enabled only if pre-configured")

+         self.bus = dbus.SystemBus()

          super(InfoProvider, self).enable()




- LoadModule lookup_identity_module modules/mod_lookup_identity.so


- <Location ${instanceurl}>

-   LookupUserAttr sn REMOTE_USER_LASTNAME

-   LookupUserAttr st REMOTE_USER_STATE

-   LookupUserAttr locality REMOTE_USER_CITY

-   LookupUserAttr street REMOTE_USER_STREET

-   LookupUserAttr telephoneNumber REMOTE_USER_TELEPHONENUMBER

-   LookupUserAttr givenname REMOTE_USER_FIRSTNAME

-   LookupUserAttr mail REMOTE_USER_EMAIL

-   LookupUserAttr postalCode REMOTE_USER_POSTALCODE

-   LookupUserGroupsIter REMOTE_USER_GROUP

- </Location>

- """



  class Installer(InfoProviderInstaller):


      def __init__(self, *pargs):
@@ -130,11 +140,11 @@ 

      def install_args(self, group):

          group.add_argument('--info-sssd', choices=['yes', 'no'],


-                            help='Use mod_lookup_identity and SSSD to populate'

-                                 ' user attrs')

+                            help='Use SSSD to populate user attributes'

+                                 ' via DBus')

          group.add_argument('--info-sssd-domain', action='append',

-                            help='SSSD domain to enable mod_lookup_identity'

-                                 ' for')

+                            help='SSSD domain to enable for attribute'

+                                 ' passthrough')


      def configure(self, opts, changes):

          if opts['info_sssd'] != 'yes':
@@ -142,13 +152,6 @@ 


          configured = 0


-         confopts = {'instanceurl': opts['instanceurl']}


-         tmpl = Template(CONF_TEMPLATE)

-         hunk = tmpl.substitute(**confopts)

-         with open(opts['httpd_conf'], 'a') as httpd_conf:

-             httpd_conf.write(hunk)



              sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig()

@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ 


              except SSSDConfig.NoOptionError:


-         ifp.set_option('allowed_uids', 'apache, root')

+         ifp.set_option('allowed_uids', 'ipsilon, root')

          ifp.set_option('user_attributes', '+' + ', +'.join(SSSD_ATTRS))



file modified
+2 -2
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ 

  Use passwd data to populate user attrs


  \fB\-\-info\-sssd\fR \fI

- Use mod_lookup_identity and SSSD to populate user attrs. SSSD must be pre\-configured for at least one domain.

+ Use DBus to populate user attrs from SSSD. SSSD must be pre\-configured for at least one domain.


  \fB\-\-info\-sssd\-domain\fR \fIINFO_SSSD_DOMAIN\fR

- SSSD domain to enable mod_lookup_identity for (default is all)

+ SSSD domain to enable for attribute passthrough (default is all)




This removes the need to do mapping of environment variables
from mod_lookup_identity through Ipsilon, and fetches the
attributes from infosssd via DBus. This also removes the
mod_lookup_identiy config Installer within Ipsilon, and
updates other references to it throughout the project.

Signed-off-by: Dan Theisen daniel.theisen@foresee.com

The Installer class still needs to be fixed, but this is a mostly working PoC of the feature.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago

Could you add an attr_name = str(attr_name) here?

Or at the str() here and in the other reply[...]'s


7 years ago

Please change this back to mapping gecos -> fullname.

Please add something like this to get the users fullname (gecos):

    reply['gecos'] = str(user_obj.Get(


7 years ago

Could you move this to the on_enable function so that this doesn't crash when run on boxes that don't have DBus (but also don't need infosssd)?

This probably needs rephrasing.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago

Commit fcaa214 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by daniel.theisen@foresee.com

7 years ago