#135 Create an infofas plugin
Merged 7 years ago by puiterwijk. Opened 7 years ago by puiterwijk.
puiterwijk/ipsilon fasinfo  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ 

+ # Copyright (C) 2014,2016 Ipsilon project Contributors, for license see COPYING

Shouldn't the copyright be 2016 only?

Some of the code (like the fas_make_userdata) comes from 2014.


+ from ipsilon.info.common import InfoProviderBase, InfoProviderInstaller

+ from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginObject

+ from ipsilon.util.policy import Policy

+ from ipsilon.util import config as pconfig


+ from fedora.client.fas2 import AccountSystem



+ try:

+     import openid_cla.cla as cla


+     CLA_GROUPS = {

+         'cla_click': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_CLICK,

+         'cla_dell': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_DELL,

+         'cla_done': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_DONE,

+         'cla_fedora': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_FEDORA,

+         'cla_fpca': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_FPCA,

+         'cla_ibm': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_IBM,

+         'cla_intel': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_INTEL,

+         'cla_redhat': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_REDHAT,

+     }

+ except ImportError:

+     CLA_GROUPS = dict()


+ fas_mapping = [

+     ['username', 'nickname'],

+     ['telephone', 'phone'],

+     ['country_code', 'country'],

+     ['human_name', 'fullname'],

+     ['email', 'email'],

+     ['timezone', 'timezone'],

+     ['ssh_key', 'ssh_key'],

+     ['gpg_keyid', 'gpg_keyid'],

+ ]


+ fas_mapper = Policy(fas_mapping)



+ def fas_make_userdata(fas_data):

+     userdata, fas_extra = fas_mapper.map_attributes(fas_data)


+     # We need to split ssh keys by newline, since we can't send newlines

+     userdata['ssh_key'] = userdata['ssh_key'].split('\n')


+     # compute and store groups and cla groups

+     userdata['_groups'] = []

+     userdata['_extras'] = {'fas': fas_extra, 'cla': []}

+     for group in fas_data.get('approved_memberships', {}):

+         if 'name' not in group:

+             continue

+         if group.get('group_type') == 'cla':

+             if group['name'] in CLA_GROUPS:

+                 group_name = CLA_GROUPS[group['name']]

+             else:

+                 group_name = group['name']

+             userdata['_extras']['cla'].append(group_name)

+         else:

+             userdata['_groups'].append(group['name'])


+     return userdata



+ class InfoProvider(InfoProviderBase):


+     def __init__(self, *args):

+         super(InfoProvider, self).__init__(*args)

+         self._fas_client = None

+         self.name = 'fas'

+         self.description = """

+ Info plugin that retrieves user data from FAS. """


+         self.new_config(

+             self.name,

+             pconfig.String(

+                 'FAS url',

+                 'The FAS Url.',

+                 'https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/'),

+             pconfig.String(

+                 'FAS Proxy client user Agent',

+                 'The User Agent presented to the FAS Server.',

+                 'Ipsilon v1.0'),

+             pconfig.Condition(

+                 'FAS Insecure Auth',

+                 'If checked skips FAS server cert verification.',

+                 False),

+             pconfig.String(

+                 'Bind Username',

+                 'Username to be used when retrieving info.',

+                 'ipsilondummy'),

+             pconfig.String(

+                 'Bind Password',

+                 'Username to be used when retrieving info.',

+                 'Password')

+         )


+     @property

+     def fas_url(self):

+         return self.get_config_value('FAS url')


+     @property

+     def user_agent(self):

+         return self.get_config_value('FAS Proxy client user Agent')


+     @property

+     def insecure(self):

+         return self.get_config_value('FAS Insecure Auth')


+     @property

+     def bind_user(self):

+         return self.get_config_value('Bind Username')


+     @property

+     def bind_pass(self):

+         return self.get_config_value('Bind Password')


+     @property

+     def fas_client(self):

+         if not self._fas_client:

+             self._fas_client = AccountSystem(base_url=self.fas_url,

+                                              insecure=self.insecure,

+                                              useragent=self.user_agent,

+                                              username=self.bind_user,

+                                              password=self.bind_pass)

+         return self._fas_client


+     def get_user_attrs(self, user):

+         if not self.fas_client:

+             return {}

+         try:

+             data = self.fas_client.person_by_username(user)

+         except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

+             self.error('Unable to retrieve info for %s: %s' % (user, ex))

+             self.debug('URL: %s' % self.fas_url)

+             self.debug('username: %s' % self.bind_user)

+             return {}

+         if not data:

+             return {}

+         return fas_make_userdata(data)



+ class Installer(InfoProviderInstaller):


+     def __init__(self, *pargs):

+         super(Installer, self).__init__()

+         self.name = 'fas'

+         self.pargs = pargs


+     def install_args(self, group):

+         group.add_argument('--info-fas', choices=['yes', 'no'], default='no',

+                            help='Configure FAS info')

+         group.add_argument('--info-fas-bind-username', action='store',

+                            help='Username to use to retrieve FAS info')

+         group.add_argument('--info-fas-bind-password', action='store',

+                            help='Password to use to retrieve FAS info')


+     def configure(self, opts, changes):

+         if opts['info_fas'] != 'yes':

maybe a .lower()?

Selecting YES would not work, since then argparse would crash. Choices allows only yes and no.

+             return


+         # Add configuration data to database

+         po = PluginObject(*self.pargs)

+         po.name = 'fas'

+         po.wipe_data()

+         po.wipe_config_values()


+         config = dict()

+         if 'info_fas_bind_username' in opts:

+             config['Bind Username'] = opts['info_fas_bind_username']

+         if 'info_fas_bind_password' in opts:

+             config['Bind Password'] = opts['info_fas_bind_password']

+         po.save_plugin_config(config)


+         # Update global config to add login plugin

+         po.is_enabled = True

+         po.save_enabled_state()

file modified
+2 -54
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ 


  from ipsilon.login.common import LoginFormBase, LoginManagerBase, \


+ from ipsilon.info.infofas import fas_make_userdata

  from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginObject

- from ipsilon.util.policy import Policy

  from ipsilon.util import config as pconfig

  import cherrypy

  import logging
@@ -12,39 +12,10 @@ 

  from fedora.client import AuthError



- try:

-     import openid_cla.cla as cla


-     CLA_GROUPS = {

-         'cla_click': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_CLICK,

-         'cla_dell': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_DELL,

-         'cla_done': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_DONE,

-         'cla_fedora': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_FEDORA,

-         'cla_fpca': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_FPCA,

-         'cla_ibm': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_IBM,

-         'cla_intel': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_INTEL,

-         'cla_redhat': cla.CLA_URI_FEDORA_REDHAT,

-     }

- except ImportError:

-     CLA_GROUPS = dict()


- fas_mapping = [

-     ['username', 'nickname'],

-     ['telephone', 'phone'],

-     ['country_code', 'country'],

-     ['human_name', 'fullname'],

-     ['email', 'email'],

-     ['timezone', 'timezone'],

-     ['ssh_key', 'ssh_key'],

-     ['gpg_keyid', 'gpg_keyid'],

- ]



  class FAS(LoginFormBase):


      def __init__(self, site, mgr, page):

          super(FAS, self).__init__(site, mgr, page)

-         self.mapper = Policy(fas_mapping)


      def POST(self, *args, **kwargs):

          username = kwargs.get("login_name")
@@ -63,7 +34,7 @@ 



              if data and data.user:

-                 userdata = self.make_userdata(data.user)

+                 userdata = fas_make_userdata(data.user)

                  return self.lm.auth_successful(self.trans,


@@ -83,29 +54,6 @@ 


          return self._template(self.formtemplate, **context)


-     def make_userdata(self, fas_data):

-         userdata, fas_extra = self.mapper.map_attributes(fas_data)


-         # We need to split ssh keys by newline, since we can't send newlines

-         userdata['ssh_key'] = userdata['ssh_key'].split('\n')


-         # compute and store groups and cla groups

-         userdata['_groups'] = []

-         userdata['_extras'] = {'fas': fas_extra, 'cla': []}

-         for group in fas_data.get('approved_memberships', {}):

-             if 'name' not in group:

-                 continue

-             if group.get('group_type') == 'cla':

-                 if group['name'] in CLA_GROUPS:

-                     group_name = CLA_GROUPS[group['name']]

-                 else:

-                     group_name = group['name']

-                 userdata['_extras']['cla'].append(group_name)

-             else:

-                 userdata['_groups'].append(group['name'])


-         return userdata



  class LoginManager(LoginManagerBase):


This will allow us to use FAS data even when the user was not
authenticated with FAS.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Uiterwijk puiterwijk@redhat.com


7 years ago

Shouldn't the copyright be 2016 only?

Two questions, the rest looks good to me

Some of the code (like the fas_make_userdata) comes from 2014.

Selecting YES would not work, since then argparse would crash. Choices allows only yes and no.


7 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by puiterwijk

7 years ago