#13 show LDAP connection failures to user
Merged 8 years ago by puiterwijk. Opened 8 years ago by rcritten.
rcritten/ipsilon authfailure  into  master

file modified
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ 

  	PYTHONPATH=./ ./tests/tests.py --test=pgdb

  	PYTHONPATH=./ ./tests/tests.py --test=fconf

  	PYTHONPATH=./ ./tests/tests.py --test=ldap

+ 	PYTHONPATH=./ ./tests/tests.py --test=ldapdown

  	PYTHONPATH=./ ./tests/tests.py --test=openid


  test: lp-test unittests tests

file modified
+16 -6
@@ -61,21 +61,31 @@ 

          username = kwargs.get("login_name")

          password = kwargs.get("login_password")

          userattrs = None

-         authed = False

+         authok = False

          errmsg = None


          if username and password:


                  userattrs = self._authenticate(username, password)

-                 authed = True

-             except Exception, e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

+                 authok = True

+             except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS as e:

                  errmsg = "Authentication failed"

+                 self.error(errmsg)

+             except ldap.LDAPError as e:

+                 errmsg = 'Internal system error'

+                 if isinstance(e, ldap.TIMEOUT):

+                     self.error('LDAP request timed out')

+                 else:

+                     desc = e.args[0]['desc'].strip()

+                     info = e.args[0].get('info', '').strip()

+                     self.error("%s: %s %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, desc, info))

+             except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

+                 errmsg = 'Internal system error'

                  self.error("Exception raised: [%s]" % repr(e))


-             errmsg = "Username or password is missing"

-             self.error(errmsg)

+             self.error("Username or password is missing")


-         if authed:

+         if authok:

              return self.lm.auth_successful(self.trans, username, 'password',



file modified
+7 -3
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ 

                  raise ValueError("Unhandled status (%d) on url %s" % (

                                   r.status_code, url))


-     def auth_to_idp(self, idp, krb=False):

+     def auth_to_idp(self, idp, krb=False, rule=None, expected=None):


          srv = self.servers[idp]

          target_url = '%s/%s/' % (srv['baseuri'], idp)
@@ -316,8 +316,12 @@ 


          page = self.fetch_page(idp, url, krb=krb)


-         page.expected_value('//div[@id="welcome"]/p/text()',

-                             'Welcome %s!' % srv['user'])

+         if rule is None:

+             rule = '//div[@id="welcome"]/p/text()'

+         if expected is None:

+             expected = 'Welcome %s!' % srv['user']


+         page.expected_value(rule, expected)


      def logout_from_idp(self, idp):


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python

+ #

+ # Copyright (C) 2015 Ipsilon project Contributors, for license see COPYING


+ # Test that we get a reasonable error back when the LDAP backend is down


+ from helpers.common import IpsilonTestBase  # pylint: disable=relative-import

+ from helpers.http import HttpSessions  # pylint: disable=relative-import

+ import os

+ import sys

+ from string import Template



+ idp_g = {'TEMPLATES': '${TESTDIR}/templates/install',

+          'CONFDIR': '${TESTDIR}/etc',

+          'DATADIR': '${TESTDIR}/lib',

+          'HTTPDCONFD': '${TESTDIR}/${NAME}/conf.d',

+          'STATICDIR': '${ROOTDIR}',

+          'BINDIR': '${ROOTDIR}/ipsilon',

+          'WSGI_SOCKET_PREFIX': '${TESTDIR}/${NAME}/logs/wsgi'}



+ idp_a = {'hostname': '${ADDRESS}:${PORT}',

+          'admin_user': 'tuser',

+          'system_user': '${TEST_USER}',

+          'instance': '${NAME}',

+          'secure': 'no',

+          'pam': 'no',

+          'gssapi': 'no',

+          'ipa': 'no',

+          'ldap': 'yes',

+          'ldap_server_url': 'ldap://${ADDRESS}:45389/',

+          'ldap_bind_dn_template':

+          'uid=%(username)s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com',

+          'ldap_tls_level': 'NoTLS',

+          'server_debugging': 'True'}



+ sp_g = {'HTTPDCONFD': '${TESTDIR}/${NAME}/conf.d',

+         'SAML2_TEMPLATE': '${TESTDIR}/templates/install/saml2/sp.conf',

+         'SAML2_CONFFILE': '${TESTDIR}/${NAME}/conf.d/ipsilon-saml.conf',

+         'SAML2_HTTPDIR': '${TESTDIR}/${NAME}/saml2'}



+ sp_a = {'hostname': '${ADDRESS}:${PORT}',

+         'saml_idp_metadata': '',

+         'saml_secure_setup': 'False',

+         'saml_auth': '/sp',

+         'httpd_user': '${TEST_USER}'}



+ def fixup_sp_httpd(httpdir):

+     merge = """

+     MellonSetEnv "GROUPS" "groups"

+     MellonMergeEnvVars On

+ </Location>"""

+     with open(httpdir + '/conf.d/ipsilon-saml.conf', 'r') as f:

+         conf = f.read()

+     conf = conf.replace('</Location>', merge, 1)

+     with open(httpdir + '/conf.d/ipsilon-saml.conf', 'w') as f:

+         f.write(conf)


+     location = """


+ Alias /sp ${HTTPDIR}/sp


+ <Directory ${HTTPDIR}/sp>

+     Require all granted

+     Options +Includes

+ </Directory>

+ """

+     t = Template(location)

+     text = t.substitute({'HTTPDIR': httpdir})

+     with open(httpdir + '/conf.d/ipsilon-saml.conf', 'a') as f:

+         f.write(text)


+     index = """<!--#echo var="MELLON_GROUPS" -->"""

+     os.mkdir(httpdir + '/sp')

+     with open(httpdir + '/sp/index.shtml', 'w') as f:

+         f.write(index)



+ class IpsilonTest(IpsilonTestBase):


+     def __init__(self):

+         super(IpsilonTest, self).__init__('ldapdown', __file__)


+     def setup_servers(self, env=None):


+         print "Installing IDP's ldap server"

+         addr = ''

+         port = '45389'

+         conf = self.setup_ldap(env)


+         print "Not starting IDP's ldap server"


+         print "Installing IDP server"

+         name = 'idp1'

+         addr = ''

+         port = '45080'

+         idp = self.generate_profile(idp_g, idp_a, name, addr, port)

+         conf = self.setup_idp_server(idp, name, addr, port, env)


+         print "Starting IDP's httpd server"

+         self.start_http_server(conf, env)


+         print "Installing SP server"

+         name = 'sp1'

+         addr = ''

+         port = '45081'

+         sp = self.generate_profile(sp_g, sp_a, name, addr, port)

+         conf = self.setup_sp_server(sp, name, addr, port, env)

+         fixup_sp_httpd(os.path.dirname(conf))


+         print "Starting SP's httpd server"

+         self.start_http_server(conf, env)



+ if __name__ == '__main__':


+     idpname = 'idp1'

+     spname = 'sp1'

+     user = 'tuser'


+     sess = HttpSessions()

+     sess.add_server(idpname, '', user, 'tuser')

+     sess.add_server(spname, '')


+     print "ldapdown: Authenticate to IDP with no LDAP backend...",

+     try:

+         sess.auth_to_idp(

+             idpname,

+             rule='//div[@class="alert alert-danger"]/p/text()',

+             expected="Internal system error"

+         )

+     except Exception, e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

+         print >> sys.stderr, " ERROR: %s" % repr(e)

+         sys.exit(1)

+     print " SUCCESS"

no initial comment

Should we log the real message but return to the user a more neutral error, like: "Internal system error, please contact an administrator" ?

Just wondering why you changed the name of this variable?
I'm not feeling strongly, just being curious.

Mostly because authed isn't a word. authok isn't a word either, but a mash-up of two words, but it reads better to me.

I thought the purpose of the ticket was to return better information to the user why authentication failed.