#121 Retain transaction ID through 401 pages
Merged 7 years ago by merlinthp. Opened 7 years ago by merlinthp.
merlinthp/ipsilon tid  into  master

file modified
+7 -1
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 

  # Copyright (C) 2014 Ipsilon project Contributors, for license see COPYING


  from ipsilon.util.page import Page

+ import cherrypy



  class Errors(Page):
@@ -34,8 +35,13 @@ 

  class Error_401(Errors):


      def handler(self, status, message, traceback, version):

+         try:

+             tid = self.get_valid_transaction('login').transaction_id

+         except cherrypy.HTTPError:

+             tid = None

          return self._error_template('unauthorized.html',

-                                     title='Unauthorized', message=message)

+                                     title='Unauthorized', message=message,

+                                     ipsilon_transaction_id=tid)



  class Error_404(Errors):

@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ 

    {% else %}

      <p>Authentication was not successful</p>

    {% endif %}

+   {% if ipsilon_transaction_id %}

+   <p><a href="{{ basepath }}/login?ipsilon_transaction_id={{ ipsilon_transaction_id }}" title="Login">Try to login again</a></p>

+   {% else %}

    <p><a href="{{ basepath }}/login" title="Login">Try to login again</a></p>

+   {% endif %}


  {% endblock %}

If we get a 401 during a transaction (i.e. failing authentication),
ipsilon shows the 401 error page, which has a link back to the login
page. Clicking this link causes a new transaction to be created,
losing any in-progress service provider authentication, and not
redirecting back to the SP after a successful transaction.

If we hit the 401 page and there's a current transaction, add the
transaction ID to the link back to the login page, so the current
transaction is preserved.

Signed-off-by: Howard Johnson merlin@merlinthp.org

This function will throw a 401 of itself if there is no transaction or if it has expired, which will get us in a loop.


7 years ago

You're no fun ;)


Looks good to me, thanks!

As discussed on IRC: after testing further, I think you will want "{% if tid %}", since if there is no tid value provided, "tid is not none" does evaluate to True.


7 years ago

Commit ec5ed54 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by merlin@merlinthp.org

7 years ago