#51 do not cache data in saml's ServiceProvider class
Opened 9 years ago by simo. Modified 7 years ago

The ServiceProvider class is used as a long term object by the admin UI, it also loads data at instantiation an never reloads it unless something is changed.

In a clustered environment where multiple servers can interact withthe data storgae this may lad to some servers having an outdated view (at least in the admin UI) which can be confusing.

The data should be loaded on demand or cached for short periods at most.

Fields changed

milestone: => 1.0
owner: simo =>
priority: major => minor
status: new => assigned

Fields changed

milestone: 1.0 m4 => Backlog

Fields changed

milestone: Backlog => 1.1

Fields changed

status: assigned => new

Fields changed

milestone: 1.1 => 1.2

Fields changed

milestone: 1.2 => Backlog

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue set to the milestone: Backlog

7 years ago

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