#3 im-chooser libimchooseui-WARNING DBus Error No such method 'logout'
Closed 8 months ago by tagoh. Opened 8 months ago by redbearak.

1. Run im-chooser in the terminal. (On Plasma 6.)
2. Select an input method that activates the "Log Out" button in the dialog.
3. Click the "Log Out" button in the dialog.


A simple error dialog appears (no decorations, rounded corners, looks like a GTK dialog), saying "Could not connect to the session manager", with an "OK" button.

If the Input Method Selector dialog was launched from a terminal, in the terminal a couple of errors will appear:

  • Gtk-Message: [digits]: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
  • libimchooseui-WARNING: [digits]: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Unknownmethod: No such method 'logout' in interface 'org.kde.KSMServerInterface' at object path '/KSMServer' (signature 'iii')


"Log Out" button should log out after selecting the new input method. I was trying to enable ibus but I don't think that has anything to do with the basic problem with the dialog on Plasma 6.

Linux/KDE Plasma: Fedora Linux 40 (pre-release)
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.0
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.0.0
Qt Version: 6.6.2

Metadata Update from @tagoh:
- Issue assigned to tagoh

8 months ago

Thank you for reporting. You're right. this way seems not supported anymore. I'll add another way to support this feature.

FWIW im-chooser no longer support desktops on Wayland session. For correct steps to enable ibus on Plasma Wayland, you may want to enable Ibus Wayland through kdesettings->Keyboard->Virtual Keyboard.

FWIW im-chooser no longer support desktops on Wayland session. For correct steps to enable ibus on Plasma Wayland, you may want to enable Ibus Wayland through kdesettings->Keyboard->Virtual Keyboard.

I did find that and it seemed to work. If that’s true then im-chooser should be modified to detect Wayland and/or the lack of a necessary X11 session, and immediately declare when opened that the detected Wayland session is not supported. The appropriate XDG environment variable seems pretty reliable on all the common distros that I’ve tested. I believe it’s XDG_SESSION_TYPE, and values are “x11” or “wayland” (but apparently Mir is still alive somewhere out there, so it might be possible to see “mir”).

Right. the necessary feature is actually already implemented in imsettings but im-chooser is simply missing a feature to inform it on the dialog or so.

Metadata Update from @tagoh:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

8 months ago

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