#45 Missing keytab should not be fatal
Closed 7 years ago by simo. Opened 7 years ago by simo.
simo/gssproxy optkeytab  into  master

file modified
+96 -84
@@ -39,6 +39,99 @@ 




+ uint32_t gp_init_creds_with_keytab(uint32_t *min, const char *svc_name,

+                                    const char *keytab,

+                                    struct gp_creds_handle *handle)

+ {

+     char ktname[MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN + 1] = {0};

+     krb5_keytab ktid = NULL;

+     krb5_kt_cursor cursor;

+     krb5_keytab_entry entry;

+     krb5_enctype *permitted;

+     uint32_t ret_maj = 0;

+     uint32_t ret_min = 0;

+     int ret;


+     if (keytab) {

+         strncpy(ktname, keytab, MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN);

+         ret = krb5_kt_resolve(handle->context, keytab, &ktid);

+     }

+     /* if the keytab is not specified or fails to resolve try default */

+     if (!keytab || ret != 0) {

+         ret = krb5_kt_default_name(handle->context, ktname,

+                                    MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN);

+         if (ret) strncpy(ktname, "[default]", MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN);

+         ret = krb5_kt_default(handle->context, &ktid);

+     }

+     if (ret == 0) {

+         ret = krb5_kt_have_content(handle->context, ktid);

+     }

+     if (ret) {

+         GPDEBUG("Keytab %s has no content (%d)\n", ktname, ret);

+         ret_min = ret;

+         ret_maj = GSS_S_CRED_UNAVAIL;

+         goto done;

+     }


+     ret = krb5_get_permitted_enctypes(handle->context, &permitted);

+     if (ret) {

+         GPDEBUG("Failed to source permitted enctypes (%d)\n", ret);

+         ret_min = ret;

+         ret_maj = GSS_S_FAILURE;

+         goto done;

+     }


+     ret = krb5_kt_start_seq_get(handle->context, ktid, &cursor);

+     if (ret) {

+         GPDEBUG("krb5_kt_start_seq_get() failed (%d)\n", ret);

+         ret_min = ret;

+         ret_maj = GSS_S_FAILURE;

+         goto done;

+     }

+     do {

+         ret = krb5_kt_next_entry(handle->context, ktid, &entry, &cursor);

+         if (ret == 0) {

+             for (unsigned i = 0; permitted[i] != 0; i++) {

+                 if (permitted[i] == entry.key.enctype) {

+                     /* should we derive a key instead ? */

+                     ret = krb5_copy_keyblock(handle->context, &entry.key,

+                                              &handle->key);

+                     if (ret == 0) {

+                         GPDEBUG("Service: %s, Keytab: %s, Enctype: %d\n",

+                                 svc_name, ktname, entry.key.enctype);

+                         ret = KRB5_KT_END;

+                     } else {

+                         GPDEBUG("krb5_copy_keyblock failed (%d)\n", ret);

+                     }

+                     break;

+                 }

+             }

+             (void)krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents(handle->context, &entry);

+         }

+     } while (ret == 0);

+     (void)krb5_kt_end_seq_get(handle->context, ktid, &cursor);

+     if ((ret == KRB5_KT_END) && (handle->key == NULL)) {

+         ret = KRB5_WRONG_ETYPE;

+         ret_maj = GSS_S_CRED_UNAVAIL;

+         goto done;

+     }

+     if (ret != KRB5_KT_END) {

+         ret_min = ret;

+         ret_maj = GSS_S_CRED_UNAVAIL;

+         goto done;

+     }


+     ret_min = 0;

+     ret_maj = GSS_S_COMPLETE;


+ done:

+     if (ktid) {

+         (void)krb5_kt_close(handle->context, ktid);

+     }

+     *min = ret_min;

+     return ret_maj;

+ }


  uint32_t gp_init_creds_handle(uint32_t *min, const char *svc_name,

                                const char *keytab,

                                struct gp_creds_handle **out)
@@ -46,8 +139,6 @@ 

      struct gp_creds_handle *handle;

      uint32_t ret_maj = 0;

      uint32_t ret_min = 0;

-     krb5_keytab ktid = NULL;

-     char ktname[MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN + 1] = {0};

      int ret;


      handle = calloc(1, sizeof(struct gp_creds_handle));
@@ -67,85 +158,9 @@ 


      /* Try to use a keytab, and fall back to a random runtime secret if all

       * else fails */

-     if (keytab) {

-         ret = krb5_kt_resolve(handle->context, keytab, &ktid);

-         if (ret == 0) {

-             ret = krb5_kt_have_content(handle->context, ktid);

-         }

-         /* if a keytab is specified then it must be usable */

-         if (ret) {

-             ret_min = ret;

-             ret_maj = GSS_S_CRED_UNAVAIL;

-             goto done;

-         }

-         strncpy(ktname, keytab, MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN);

-     } else {

-         ret = krb5_kt_default(handle->context, &ktid);

-         /* if the default keyab does not exist or is empty it is not fatal */

-         if (ret) {

-             ktid = NULL;

-         } else {

-             ret = krb5_kt_have_content(handle->context, ktid);

-             if (ret) {

-                 (void)krb5_kt_close(handle->context, ktid);

-                 ktid = NULL;

-             } else {

-                 ret = krb5_kt_default_name(handle->context, ktname,

-                                            MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN);

-                 if (ret) strncpy(ktname, "[default]", MAX_KEYTAB_NAME_LEN);

-             }

-         }

-     }


-     if (ktid) {

-         krb5_kt_cursor cursor;

-         krb5_keytab_entry entry;

-         krb5_enctype *permitted;


-         ret = krb5_get_permitted_enctypes(handle->context, &permitted);

-         if (ret) {

-             ret_min = ret;

-             ret_maj = GSS_S_FAILURE;

-             goto done;

-         }


-         ret = krb5_kt_start_seq_get(handle->context, ktid, &cursor);

-         if (ret) {

-             ret_min = ret;

-             ret_maj = GSS_S_FAILURE;

-             goto done;

-         }

-         do {

-             ret = krb5_kt_next_entry(handle->context, ktid, &entry, &cursor);

-             if (ret == 0) {

-                 for (unsigned i = 0; permitted[i] != 0; i++) {

-                     if (permitted[i] == entry.key.enctype) {

-                         /* should we derive a key instead ? */

-                         ret = krb5_copy_keyblock(handle->context, &entry.key,

-                                                  &handle->key);

-                         if (ret == 0) {

-                             GPDEBUG("Service: %s, Enckey: %s, Enctype: %d\n",

-                                     svc_name, ktname, entry.key.enctype);

-                             ret = KRB5_KT_END;

-                         }

-                         break;

-                     }

-                 }

-                 (void)krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents(handle->context, &entry);

-             }

-         } while (ret == 0);

-         (void)krb5_kt_end_seq_get(handle->context, ktid, &cursor);

-         if ((ret == KRB5_KT_END) && (handle->key == NULL)) {

-             ret = KRB5_WRONG_ETYPE;

-             ret_maj = GSS_S_CRED_UNAVAIL;

-             goto done;

-         }

-         if (ret != KRB5_KT_END) {

-             ret_min = ret;

-             ret_maj = GSS_S_CRED_UNAVAIL;

-             goto done;

-         }

-     } else {

+     ret_maj = gp_init_creds_with_keytab(&ret_min, svc_name, keytab, handle);

+     if (ret_maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) {

+         /* fallback */

          ret = krb5_init_keyblock(handle->context,

                                   GP_CREDS_HANDLE_KEY_ENCTYPE, 0,

@@ -167,9 +182,6 @@ 

      ret_min = 0;



-     if (handle->context && ktid) {

-         (void)krb5_kt_close(handle->context, ktid);

-     }

      *min = ret_min;

      if (ret_maj) {


file modified
+16 -1
@@ -538,6 +538,11 @@ 

    cred_store = client_keytab:${GSSPROXY_CLIENT_KEYTAB}

    trusted = yes

    euid = ${UIDNUMBER}


+ [service/badkeytab]

+   mechs = krb5

+   cred_store = keytab:/intentionally/missing/keytab

+   euid = 123



  # Contains a garbage service entry
@@ -553,7 +558,17 @@ 

    euid = nobody





+ [gssproxy]

+   debug_level = 3


+ [service/test]

+   mechs = krb5

+   cred_store = keytab:${GSSPROXY_KEYTAB}

+   cred_store = ccache:FILE:${GSSPROXY_CLIENT_CCACHE}

+   cred_store = client_keytab:${GSSPROXY_CLIENT_KEYTAB}

+   trusted = yes

+   euid = ${UIDNUMBER}

    socket = ${SECOND_SOCKET}



In 1e6b5a4 we've been a littl bit too
zealous and made lack of a keytab a fatal condition when a keytab was
specified explicitly in config files. However we distribute a config
file that explictly mentions the default keytab.

In general lack of a keytab is not really an impediment and gssproxy
will work properly until restarted (at which point saved cfredentials
will become unreadable as the encryption key is lost). But even if
access to crdential is lost in most cases this is a recoverable

So relax the constraint and fallback to a random key in all cases.


7 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by simo

7 years ago