#585 Multiple decision contexts ('decision_contexts' field) updates
Merged 3 years ago by vmaljulin. Opened 3 years ago by vmaljulin.
vmaljulin/greenwave RHELWF-413_add  into  master

file modified
+8 -7
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ 


     --- !Policy

     id: taskotron_release_critical_tasks

-    decision_context: bodhi_update_push_stable


+    - bodhi_update_push_stable

     - bodhi_update_context1

     - bodhi_update_context2

     subject_type: bodhi_update
@@ -52,7 +52,13 @@ 


     This is optional in ``gating.yaml`` files (see :ref:`remote-rule`).


- ``decision_context``

+ ``decision_contexts``

+    Allows to specify many decision contexts for one policy. Previous

+    parameter `decision_context` was kept for backward compatibility

+    and its value is being used if this parameter is not specified.

+    However only one parameter can be used in the same policy.


+ ``decision_context`` (obsolete)

     This is an arbitrary string identifying the "context" of the decisions

     where this policy is applicable. In other words, if Greenwave is making

     decisions at gating points in a pipeline, this is how we identify which
@@ -64,11 +70,6 @@ 

     passes this value when it asks Greenwave to decide whether a Bodhi update

     is ready to be pushed to the stable repositories.


- ``decision_contexts``

-    Allows to specify many decision contexts for one policy. Previous

-    parameter was kept for backward compatibility and its value is being

-    added to this list if provided.


  .. _subject_type:



file modified
+20 -11
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ 

      safe_yaml_attributes = {

          'id': SafeYAMLString(),

          'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str),

-         'decision_context': SafeYAMLString(),

+         'decision_context': SafeYAMLString(optional=True),

          'decision_contexts': SafeYAMLList(str, optional=True, default=list()),

          'subject_type': SafeYAMLString(),

          'rules': SafeYAMLList(Rule),
@@ -686,6 +686,15 @@ 

          'relevance_value': SafeYAMLString(optional=True),



+     def validate(self):

+         if not self.decision_context and not self.decision_contexts:

+             raise SafeYAMLError('No decision contexts provided')

+         if self.decision_context and self.decision_contexts:

+             raise SafeYAMLError(

+                 'Both properties "decision_contexts" and "decision_context" were set'

+             )

+         super().validate()


      def matches(self, **attributes):


          Returns True only if policy matches provided attributes.
@@ -753,12 +762,11 @@ 



      def all_decision_contexts(self):

-         rv = []

          if self.decision_contexts:

-             rv.extend(self.decision_contexts)

-         if self.decision_context and self.decision_context not in rv:

-             rv.append(self.decision_context)

-         return rv

+             return self.decision_contexts

+         if self.decision_context:

+             return [self.decision_context]

+         raise SafeYAMLError('No decision contexts provided')



  class OnDemandPolicy(Policy):
@@ -837,10 +845,11 @@ 


  def _missing_decision_contexts_in_parent_policies(policies):

      missing_decision_contexts = set()

+     parent_dcs = set()

+     for parent_policy in current_app.config['policies']:

+         parent_dcs.update(set(parent_policy.all_decision_contexts))

      for policy in policies:

-         # Assume a parent policy is not present for a policy in the remote rule

-         for parent_policy in current_app.config['policies']:

-             missing_decision_contexts.update(

-                 set(parent_policy.all_decision_contexts).difference(policy.all_decision_contexts)

-             )

+         missing_decision_contexts.update(

+             set(policy.all_decision_contexts).difference(parent_dcs)

+         )

      return list(missing_decision_contexts)

@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ 



  def test_parse_policies_missing_decision_context():

-     expected_error = "Policy 'test': Attribute 'decision_context' is required"

+     expected_error = "No decision contexts provided"

      with pytest.raises(SafeYAMLError, match=expected_error):


              --- !Policy
@@ -892,6 +892,24 @@ 




+ def test_parse_policies_both_decision_contexts_set():

+     expected_error = 'Both properties "decision_contexts" and "decision_context" were set'

+     with pytest.raises(SafeYAMLError, match=expected_error):

+         Policy.safe_load_all(dedent("""

+             --- !Policy

+             id: test

+             product_versions: [fedora-rawhide]

+             subject_type: compose

+             blacklist: []

+             decision_context: test1

+             decision_contexts:

+             - test1

+             - test2

+             rules:

+               - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: compose.cloud.all}

+         """))



  def test_policy_with_arbitrary_subject_type(tmpdir):

      p = tmpdir.join('fedora.yaml')

@@ -921,20 +939,6 @@ 

          id: "some_policy1"


            - rhel-9000

-         decision_context: test1

-         decision_contexts:

-           - test1

-           - test2

-           - test3

-         subject_type: kind-of-magic

-         rules:

-           - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: sometest}


-         --- !Policy

-         id: "some_policy2"

-         product_versions:

-           - rhel-9000

-         decision_context: test4


            - test1

            - test2
@@ -957,9 +961,6 @@ 

      assert len(policy.all_decision_contexts) == 3

      assert set(policy.all_decision_contexts) == {'test1', 'test2', 'test3'}

      policy = policies[1]

-     assert len(policy.all_decision_contexts) == 4

-     assert set(policy.all_decision_contexts) == {'test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4'}

-     policy = policies[2]

      assert len(policy.all_decision_contexts) == 1

      assert policy.all_decision_contexts == ['test4']


This fixes: #467

Pull-Request has been merged by vmaljulin

3 years ago