#529 Fix loading RemoteRule attribute in on-demand rules
Merged 4 years ago by lholecek. Opened 4 years ago by lholecek.
lholecek/greenwave fix-on-demand-rules  into  master

@@ -1387,7 +1387,10 @@ 


      r = requests_session.post(greenwave_server + 'api/v1.0/decision', json=data)

      assert r.status_code == 400

-     assert ('Key \'type\' is required for every rule') == r.json()['message']

+     assert (

+         "Failed to parse on demand policy: Attribute 'rules': "

+         "Key 'type' is required for each list item"

+     ) == r.json()['message']



@@ -1409,7 +1412,10 @@ 


      r = requests_session.post(greenwave_server + 'api/v1.0/decision', json=data)

      assert r.status_code == 400

-     assert ('Key \'test_case_name\' is required if not a RemoteRule') == r.json()['message']

+     assert (

+         "Failed to parse on demand policy: Attribute 'rules': "

+         "Attribute 'test_case_name' is required"

+     ) == r.json()['message']



  def test_make_a_decision_with_verbose_flag_on_demand_policy(

file modified
+25 -41
@@ -413,7 +413,9 @@ 

          processed_rules = []

          for rule in rules:

              if rule['type'] == 'RemoteRule':

-                 processed_rules.append(RemoteRule())

+                 temp_rule = RemoteRule()

+                 temp_rule.required = rule.get('required', False)

+                 processed_rules.append(temp_rule)

              elif rule['type'] == 'PassingTestCaseRule':

                  temp_rule = PassingTestCaseRule()

                  temp_rule.test_case_name = rule['test_case_name']
@@ -665,12 +667,15 @@ 

          if product_version and not self.matches_product_version(product_version):

              return False


-         subject = attributes.get('subject')

-         if subject and subject.type != self.subject_type:

+         if not self.matches_subject_type(**attributes):

              return False


          return not self.rules or any(rule.matches(self, **attributes) for rule in self.rules)


+     def matches_subject_type(self, **attributes):

+         subject = attributes.get('subject')

+         return not subject or subject.type == self.subject_type



      def check(

@@ -711,46 +716,25 @@ 



  class OnDemandPolicy(Policy):

-     root_yaml_tag = '!Policy'

-     safe_yaml_attributes = {}


-     def __init__(self):

-         self.id = None

-         self.product_versions = None

-         self.subject_type = None

-         self.rules = None

-         self.blacklist = None

-         self.excluded_packages = None

-         self.packages = None

-         self.relevance_key = None

+     root_yaml_tag = None



-     def create_from_json(cls, data_dict):

-         policy = cls()

-         policy.id = data_dict.get('id')

-         policy.product_versions = [data_dict['product_version']]

-         policy.subject_type = data_dict['subject_type']

-         policy.rules = Rule.process_on_demand_rules(data_dict['rules'])

-         policy.blacklist = data_dict.get('blacklist', [])

-         policy.excluded_packages = data_dict.get('excluded_packages', [])

-         policy.packages = data_dict.get('packages', [])

-         policy.relevance_key = data_dict.get('relevance_key')


-         # Validate the data before processing.

-         policy.__validate_attributes()  # pylint: disable=protected-access

-         return policy


-     def __validate_attributes(self):

-         """ Validates types of the attributes. """

-         list_attributes = ['product_versions', 'rules', 'excluded_packages', 'packages']

-         for attribute in self.__dict__.keys():

-             if attribute in list_attributes and not isinstance(

-                     getattr(self, attribute, None), list):

-                 raise TypeError('{} should be a list.'.format(attribute))

-             elif attribute not in list_attributes:

-                 if getattr(self, attribute, None) and not isinstance(

-                         getattr(self, attribute, None), str):

-                     raise TypeError('{} should be a string.'.format(attribute))

+     def create_from_json(cls, data):

+         try:

+             data2 = {

+                 'id': 'on-demand-policy',

+                 'product_versions': [data['product_version']],

+                 'decision_context': 'on-demand-policy',

+                 'subject_type': 'unused',

+             }

+             data2.update(data)

+             result = cls.from_value(data2)

+             return result

+         except SafeYAMLError as e:

+             raise BadRequest('Failed to parse on demand policy: {}'.format(e))


+     def matches_subject_type(self, **attributes):

+         return True



  class RemotePolicy(Policy):

file modified
+70 -6
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ 


  import yaml


+ safe_yaml_tag_to_class = {}



  class SafeYAMLError(RuntimeError):

@@ -22,6 +24,9 @@ 

      def from_yaml(self, loader, node):

          raise NotImplementedError()


+     def from_value(self, value):

+         raise NotImplementedError()


      def to_json(self, value):

          raise NotImplementedError()

@@ -39,6 +44,9 @@ 


      def from_yaml(self, loader, node):

          value = loader.construct_mapping(node)

+         return self.from_value(value)


+     def from_value(self, value):

          if isinstance(value, dict):

              return value

@@ -63,6 +71,9 @@ 

      def from_yaml(self, loader, node):

          value = loader.construct_scalar(node)

          value = yaml.safe_load(value)

+         return self.from_value(value)


+     def from_value(self, value):

          if isinstance(value, bool):

              return value

@@ -86,6 +97,9 @@ 


      def from_yaml(self, loader, node):

          value = loader.construct_scalar(node)

+         return self.from_value(value)


+     def from_value(self, value):

          return str(value)


      def to_json(self, value):
@@ -109,6 +123,29 @@ 


      def from_yaml(self, loader, node):

          values = loader.construct_sequence(node)

+         return self._from_value(values)


+     def from_value(self, value):

+         results = []

+         for item in value:

+             if not isinstance(item, dict):

+                 results.append(item)

+                 continue


+             item_type = item.get('type')

+             if not item_type:

+                 raise SafeYAMLError("Key 'type' is required for each list item")


+             cls = safe_yaml_tag_to_class.get(item_type)

+             if cls is None:

+                 raise SafeYAMLError(

+                     "Key 'type' for an list item is not valid: {}".format(item_type))


+             results.append(cls.from_value(item))


+         return self._from_value(results)


+     def _from_value(self, values):

          for value in values:

              if not isinstance(value, self.item_type):

                  raise SafeYAMLError(
@@ -137,23 +174,28 @@ 

      def __init__(cls, name, bases, kwds):

          super().__init__(name, bases, kwds)


-         tag = getattr(cls, 'root_yaml_tag', None)

-         if tag:

+         root_yaml_tag = getattr(cls, 'root_yaml_tag', None)

+         if root_yaml_tag:

              class Loader(cls.yaml_loader):

                  def get_node(self):

                      node = super().get_node()


-                     if node.tag != tag:

-                         raise SafeYAMLError('Missing {} tag'.format(tag))

+                     if node.tag != root_yaml_tag:

+                         raise SafeYAMLError('Missing {} tag'.format(root_yaml_tag))


                      if not isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):

-                         raise SafeYAMLError('Expected mapping for {} tagged object'.format(tag))

+                         raise SafeYAMLError(

+                             'Expected mapping for {} tagged object'.format(root_yaml_tag))


                      return node


-             Loader.add_constructor(tag, cls.from_yaml)

+             Loader.add_constructor(root_yaml_tag, cls.from_yaml)

              cls.yaml_loader = Loader


+         yaml_tag = getattr(cls, 'yaml_tag', None)

+         if yaml_tag:

+             safe_yaml_tag_to_class[yaml_tag.lstrip('!')] = cls



  class SafeYAMLObject(yaml.YAMLObject, metaclass=SafeYAMLObjectMetaclass):

@@ -228,6 +270,28 @@ 


          return values


+     @classmethod

+     def from_value(cls, data):

+         result = cls()


+         for attribute_name, yaml_attribute in cls.safe_yaml_attributes.items():

+             value = data.get(attribute_name)

+             if value is None:

+                 if not yaml_attribute.optional:

+                     msg = 'Attribute {!r} is required'.format(attribute_name)

+                     raise SafeYAMLError(msg)

+                 value = yaml_attribute.default_value

+             else:

+                 try:

+                     value = yaml_attribute.from_value(value)

+                 except SafeYAMLError as e:

+                     msg = 'Attribute {!r}: {}'.format(attribute_name, str(e))

+                     raise SafeYAMLError(msg)


+             setattr(result, attribute_name, value)


+         return result



      def safe_yaml_label(self):

          return 'YAML object {}'.format(self.yaml_tag)

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ 




+     RemoteRule,



@@ -1074,6 +1075,45 @@ 

                  assert isinstance(decision[0], RuleSatisfied)



+ def test_remote_rule_policy_on_demand_policy_required():

+     """ Testing the RemoteRule with the koji interaction when on_demand policy is given.

+     In this case we are just mocking koji """


+     nvr = 'nethack-1.2.3-1.el9000'

+     subject = create_test_subject('koji_build', nvr)


+     serverside_json = {

+         'product_version': 'fedora-26',

+         'id': 'taskotron_release_critical_tasks_with_remoterule',

+         'subject': [{'item': nvr, 'type': 'koji_build'}],

+         'rules': [

+             {

+                 'type': 'RemoteRule',

+                 'required': True

+             },

+         ],

+     }


+     app = create_app('greenwave.config.TestingConfig')

+     with app.app_context():

+         with mock.patch('greenwave.resources.retrieve_scm_from_koji') as scm:

+             scm.return_value = ('rpms', 'nethack', 'c3c47a08a66451cb9686c49f040776ed35a0d1bb')

+             with mock.patch('greenwave.resources.retrieve_yaml_remote_rule') as f:

+                 f.return_value = None


+                 policy = OnDemandPolicy.create_from_json(serverside_json)

+                 assert len(policy.rules) == 1

+                 assert isinstance(policy.rules[0], RemoteRule)

+                 assert policy.rules[0].required


+                 results = DummyResultsRetriever()

+                 decision = policy.check('fedora-26', subject, results)

+                 assert len(decision) == 1

+                 assert isinstance(decision[0], MissingGatingYaml)

+                 assert not decision[0].is_satisfied

+                 assert decision[0].subject.identifier == subject.identifier



  def test_two_rules_no_duplicate(tmpdir):

      nvr = 'nethack-1.2.3-1.el9000'

      subject = create_test_subject('koji_build', nvr)

The way the on-demand policy loading is implemented is bad. The code needs to be updated if we add a new attribute to existing rule or policy class, or add a new rule -- and there is no code that checks consistency or if the loaded attributes are valid.

1 new commit added

  • Make on-demand policies loading more generic
4 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Make on-demand policies loading more generic
  • Fix loading RemoteRule attribute in on-demand rules
4 years ago

I've changed to code to be more generic (in the second commit).

could you please rename this var, so there's no trailing underscore

+1 after fixing minor comment above

could you please rename this var, so there's no trailing underscore

type is function in Python. Adding underscore suffix is a standard way to avoid using conflicting names (type_ is used on couple of other places in code already).

type is function in Python. Adding underscore suffix is a standard way to avoid using conflicting names (type_ is used on couple of other places in code already).

I know that. I mean that you can rename it to something more meaningful and more descriptive like xyz_type

rebased onto 069c5c7

4 years ago

type is function in Python. Adding underscore suffix is a standard way to avoid using conflicting names (type_ is used on couple of other places in code already).

I know that. I mean that you can rename it to something more meaningful and more descriptive like xyz_type

Renamed to item_type.

Pull-Request has been merged by lholecek

4 years ago