#139 Add OpenShift test template
Merged 6 years ago by ralph. Opened 6 years ago by csomh.
csomh/greenwave test-template  into  master

file modified
+5 -3
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 

- FROM fedora:26

+ FROM fedora:27


      name="Greenwave application" \

      vendor="Greenwave developers" \
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ 


  COPY $greenwave_rpm /tmp

  RUN dnf -y install \

-     python-gunicorn \

+     python2-gunicorn \

      python-memcached \

      /tmp/$(basename $greenwave_rpm) \

-     && dnf -y clean all

+     && dnf -y clean all \

+     && rm -rf /tmp/*


  RUN if [ "$cacert_url" != "undefined" ]; then \

          cd /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors \

          && curl -O --insecure $cacert_url \

@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ 

+ # Template to produce a new test environment in OpenShift.

+ #

+ # To create an environment from the template, process and apply it:

+ #   oc process -f openshift/greenwave-test-template.yaml -p TEST_ID=123 | oc apply -f -

+ # To clean up the environment, use a selector on the environment label:

+ #   oc delete all -l environment=test-123

+ # Or use the app label to delete things related to greenwave:

+ #   oc delete all -l app=greenwave


+ ---

+ apiVersion: v1

+ kind: Template

+ metadata:

+   name: greenwave-test-template

+ parameters:

+ - name: TEST_ID

+   displayName: Test id

+   description: Short unique identifier for this test run (e.g. Jenkins job number)

+   required: true


+   displayName: Greenwave container image

+   description: Image to be used for Greenwave deployement

+   value:

+   required: true


+   displayName: Secret Key for Greenwave

+   generate: expression

+   from: "[\\w]{32}"

+ objects:

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: ConfigMap

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-policies"

+     labels:

+       app: greenwave

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   data:

+     redhat.yaml: |-

+       # Mimic the default Errata rule used for RHEL-7 https://errata.devel.redhat.com/workflow_rules/1

+       # In Errata, in order to transition to QE state, an advisory must complete rpmdiff test.

+       # A completed rpmdiff test could be some dist.rpmdiff.* testcases in ResultsDB and all the

+       # tests need to be passed.

+       --- !Policy

+       id: "1"

+       product_versions:

+         - rhel-7

+       decision_context: errata_newfile_to_qe

+       blacklist: []

+       rules:

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.abi_symbols}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.binary_stripping}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.build_log}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.desktop_file_sanity}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.elflint}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.empty_payload}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.execshield}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.file_list}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.file_permissions}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.file_sizes}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.ipv6}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.java_byte_code}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.manpage_integrity}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.metadata}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.ownership}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.patches}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.pathnames}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.politics}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.rpath}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.rpm_changelog}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.rpm_config_doc_files}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.rpm_requires_provides}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.rpm_scripts}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.rpm_triggers}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.shell_syntax}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.specfile_checks}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.symlinks}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.upstream_source}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.virus_scan}

+         - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.rpmdiff.analysis.xml_validity}

+       # Errata Tool "Unrestricted" rule set

+       --- !Policy

+       id: "errata-unrestricted"

+       product_versions:

+         - cdk-2

+         - devstudio-2

+       decision_context: errata_newfile_to_qe

+       blacklist: []

+       rules: []

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Secret

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-config"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       app: greenwave

+   stringData:

+     settings.py: |-


+       HOST= ''

+       PORT = 8080

+       DEBUG = False

+       POLICIES_DIR = '/etc/policies/'

+       WAIVERDB_API_URL = 'http://waiverdb-test-${TEST_ID}-web:8080/api/v1.0'

+       RESULTSDB_API_URL = 'http://resultsdb-test-${TEST_ID}-internal-api:5001/api/v2.0'

+       CACHE = {

+           #'backend': "dogpile.cache.null",

+           'backend': "dogpile.cache.memcached",

+           'expiration_time': 1, # 1 is 1 second, keep to see that memcached

+                                 # service is working

+           'arguments': {

+               'url': 'greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-memcached:11211',

+               'distributed_lock': True

+           }

+       }

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: DeploymentConfig

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-memcached"

+     labels:

+       app: greenwave

+       service: memcached

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   spec:

+     selector:

+       app: greenwave

+       service: memcached

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+     replicas: 1

+     template:

+       metadata:

+         labels:

+           app: greenwave

+           service: memcached

+           environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       spec:

+         containers:

+         - image: docker.io/modularitycontainers/memcached

+           imagePullPolicy: Always

+           name: memcached

+           resources:

+             limits:

+               memory: 384Mi

+     triggers:

+     - type: ConfigChange

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Service

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-memcached"

+     labels:

+       app: greenwave

+       service: memcached

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   spec:

+     ports:

+     - name: memcached

+       port: 11211

+       protocol: TCP

+       targetPort: 11211

+     selector:

+       service: memcached

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: DeploymentConfig

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     labels:

+       app: greenwave

+       service: web

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   spec:

+     replicas: 2

+     selector:

+       app: greenwave

+       service: web

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+     template:

+       metadata:

+         labels:

+           app: greenwave

+           service: web

+           environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       spec:

+         containers:

+         - name: web

+           image: "${GREENWAVE_IMAGE}"

+           ports:

+           - containerPort: 8080

+           livenessProbe:

+             timeoutSeconds: 1

+             initialDelaySeconds: 30

+             httpGet:

+               path: /healthcheck

+               port: 8080

+           readinessProbe:

+             timeoutSeconds: 1

+             initialDelaySeconds: 5

+             httpGet:

+               path: /healthcheck

+               port: 8080

+           volumeMounts:

+           - mountPath: /etc/policies

+             name: policies-volume

+             readOnly: true

+           - mountPath: /etc/greenwave

+             name: config-volume

+             readOnly: true

+           resources:

+             limits:

+               memory: 384Mi

+         volumes:

+         - name: policies-volume

+           configMap:

+             name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-policies"

+         - name: config-volume

+           secret:

+             secretName: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-config"

+     triggers:

+     - type: ConfigChange

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Service

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     labels:

+       app: greenwave

+       service: web

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+   spec:

+     ports:

+     - name: web

+       port: 8080

+       protocol: TCP

+       targetPort: 8080

+     selector:

+       service: web

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+ - apiVersion: v1

+   kind: Route

+   metadata:

+     name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

+     labels:

+       environment: "test-${TEST_ID}"

+       app: greenwave

+   spec:

+     port:

+       targetPort: web

+     tls:

+       insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect

+       termination: edge

+     to:

+       kind: Service

+       name: "greenwave-test-${TEST_ID}-web"

This is to add an OpenShift test template similar to what WaiverDB and ResultsDB has.

@jmolet this is the PR we were talking about on Friday.

Looks reasonable to me.

I guess we won't know how it flies until we start trying to use it in the jenkins job.

Want to take that on as a part of a separate PR @csomh?

Yes, @ralph, that's the plan. (I did try this template on a minishift instance, but that was on my machine, which I guess it's not of a value here :/ )

@jmolet is it still valid that you are going to update the Jenkinsfile and functional tests to use this template and the env deployed by it?

Well, @csomh - let's merge for now and follow up with @jmolet outside this thread.

Pull-Request has been merged by ralph

6 years ago

Retroactive :+1: from me, sorry I was so slow with the review