
glibc malloc trace post-processing utilities


Runs over the trace file and produces rudimentary statistics about the allocations e.g. minimum request size in bytes, maximum request size in bytes, and average request size in bytes.


Print all the allocation requests for a given trace. This program generates one of the data files plotted by trace_plot.m, namely the scatter plot of allocation size requests. The input is the trace file.

Converts the list of allocations generated by trace_allocs.c into a binned list with unique allocation sizes and counts as output. This generates one of the data files plotted by plot.m, namely the scatter plot of allocation counts by size.


An N-th sample down-sampling program that down-samples a single column of numerical data into N-th samples with min, mean, max, and value at N-th sample. Down-sampling data is the only way to visualize large datasets. Sampling supports starting at a given line offset, and ending at a given ending line offset.


An Octave compatible script to turn load down-sampled plot data into useful graphs for analysis of the workload.


Compute the "block size" RSS from the raw trace. This does not require any simulation and uses existing information in the trace to provide a rough estimate of the RSS in use by the allocator (not the actual application under test).


Convert a malloc trace format file into a workload file that can be loaded by the malloc simulator.


The malloc simulator. It can run a workload file.


Dump a malloc trace in a human readable form.

Simulation Tutorial

  • Get the trace.
    cp ~/my.trace.bz2 .
    bunzip2 my.trace.bz2
  • Convert trace to workload.
    trace2wl my.wl ./my.trace
    5: invalid pointer 0x21be010 passed to free: 0:not seen
    count is 2 vs 2
    vals is 2
    ls -alt *.wl
    -rw-rw-r--. 1 carlos carlos 310751804 Mar 12 11:34 my.wl
  • Get simple trace statistics, just to sanity check (trace_plot.m does this too).
    statistics ./my.trace
    Min allocation size: 1
    Max allocation size: 1638399
    Mean allocation size: 399
  • Extract rough allocation trace (for histogram).
    trace_allocs ./my.trace > myw1_allocs.log
  • Extract binned allocation histogram (for plotting). ./myw1_allocs.log > myw1_binned_allocs.log
  • Pre-simulation rough block size trace (sanity check).
    block_size_rss ./my.trace > myw1_block_size_rss.txt
  • Run simulation with memory log recording.
    trace_run ./my.wl myw1_VmSize.log myw1_VmRSS.log myw1_ideal_RSS.log

    911,490,514,189 cycles
    260,418,362 usec wall time
    371,781,997 usec across 2 threads
    58,863,616 bytes Max RSS (15,556,608 -> 74,420,224)
    Starting VmRSS 15556608 (bytes)
    Starting VmSize 16633856 (bytes)
    Starting MaxRSS 15556608 (bytes)
    Ending VmRSS 71335936 (bytes)
    Ending VmSize 172900352 (bytes)
    Ending MaxRSS 74420224 (bytes)
    49,322 Kb Max Ideal RSS

    sizeof ticks_t is 8
    Avg malloc time:    336 in 32,070,748 calls
    Avg calloc time:  9,945 in  1,468,151 calls
    Avg realloc time:   655 in    765,824 calls
    Avg free time:      199 in 33,497,886 calls
    Total call time: 32,576,066,690 cycles
  • Downsample the data.
    sample myw1_VmSize.log myw1_ds100_VmSize.log 100
    sample myw1_VmRSS.log myw1_ds100_VmRSS.log 100
    sample myw1_ideal_RSS.log myw1_ds100_ideal_RSS.log 100
  • Plot the data.
    • Start up Octave.
    • Open trace_plot.m.
    • Fill in "bias=" with simulator starting RSS bias value.
    • Set down sampling ratio "down_sample_ratio = 100" to match your down sample.
    • Set "path=" and "xxx_file" variables to point to your data files (path is prefix).
    • Tweak block_start/block_end for linear regression lines, this is in event# start/end.
    • Run trace plotting.
    >> trace_plot