Airfare, Cartagena/Panama ~ 400 US$
Hotel/food, can share a room, ~ 80 US/day *4 = 320 US$
No Visa required
My mission at FUDCon:
Promote and support Panama/LATAM Packaging activities (packaging sessions/rpmdev initiative).
Promote and support pyhton activities (python coding Django).
Participate in hackfests/packaging fests to solve any particular needs.
Meet other Fedora LATAM Ambassadors and propose some actions and directions (include remote Ambassadors for deliberations).
Airfare details for estimated cost provided above:
May25th (CTG) Cartagena)>(BGT) Bogota, Avianca AV9541, Time: 09:20 - 10:40
May25th (BGT) Bogota>(PTY) Panama, Avianca AV60, Time: 14:25 - 15:55
May29th (PTY) Panama > (BGT)Bogota, Avianca AV59, Time: 10:00 - 11:27
May29th (BGT)Bogota >(CTG) Cartagena, Avianca AV9546, Time: 13:40 - 15:05
Unfortunately, Lorsy is not able to attend anymore.
Milestone Panama 2011:Travel subsidiees complete deleted
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