#8 Funding request for Hiemanshu Sharma
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by hiemanshu.

Tell us the following:

  • What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD.)
    Hotel and Flight costs.
    Flight from Bangalore, India to Pheonix[27th Jan, 28 hours travel time] (and return [2nd Feb, 23 hours]) approx $1400.

  • Will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No)
    No, I am a college student and it wont be easy for me to save up much money.

  • What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible.)

  • As a part of the Websites team, I would like to have a brainstorming session to come with ideas, and would love to mix up with the design and marketing teams to have a hack fest to work on the ideas.
  • Would love to be able to finish Fedora Insight.
  • As an ambassador, would like to mix with other people (ambassador or not) and discuss ideas on how to make the ambassadors experience better.

  • Include any additional, relevant information.
    Entry visa can take upto 30 days(usually within a week unless they plan for a random screening on me)

Just an update, if the booking is done early, (about 45 days in advance) I can get the flight tickets at around $1300


Approved for airfare (to be paid from Community Architecture's general fund), and 4 nights hotel with a roommate (to be paid from FUDCon budget). If your situation changes, just reopen this ticket with details.

Please contact me on IRC or email to arrange the airfare.

Hiemanshu's ticket needs to be purchased -- Paul is handling this within the next couple of days. Moving to normal priority.

This airfare has been purchased. Setting ticket to block hotel spending in FY11Q4 for now.

Rather than track hotel costs in several places, simply closing this ticket makes more sense.

Milestone End Red Hat FY12Q3 spending deleted

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