What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD: hotel $X, travel $Y.) USD 1150 air fare + USD 290 hotel (king david/sharing room) = USD 1140
If we cannot provide a full subsidy, will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No?)
Hotel lodging USD 290
Talk about documentation making emphasis in how to become a member of the documentation team. (most likely me helping Jared) Workshop on Publican for documentation (most likely me helping Jared) Hacking about the pedagogical documentation structure for project icaro Hacking session about debugging icaro issues. Hacking session about troubleshooting icaro hardware.
All flight are overnight. I need a flight that depart one day before because I will be arriving one day later. I am willingly to flight early and help organizing things. I really would like to stay two extra days after the event. Apart from the overnight flight I don' t any request or preferences.
Need to check abou visa.
I love Icaro project !!
I made a mistake about addind airfare + hotel. The correct amount is USD 1440
I am cleaning up the fudcon trac. if necessary please reopen.
Best Regards!
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