#531 Get content_sets for all architectures
Merged 4 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 4 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/freshmaker CLOUDWF-1561  into  master

file modified
+20 -19
@@ -594,6 +594,26 @@ 




+         # There can be multi-arch images which share the same

+         # image['brew']['build']. Freshmaker is not interested in the image

+         # architecture, it is only interested in NVR, so group the images

+         # by the same image['brew']['build'] and include just first one in the

+         # image list.

+         sorted_images = sorted_by_nvr(images, reverse=True)

+         images = []


+         # We must combine content_sets with same image NVR

+         # but different architectures into one content_sets field

+         for k, temp_images in groupby(sorted_images, key=lambda item: item.nvr):

+             temp_images = list(temp_images)

+             img = temp_images[0]

+             if 'content_sets' in img and len(temp_images) > 1:

+                 new_content_sets = set(img.get('content_sets'))

+                 for i in temp_images[1:]:

+                     new_content_sets.update(i.get('content_sets', []))

+                 img["content_sets"] = list(new_content_sets)

+             images.append(img)


          return images


      def _set_container_repository_filters(
@@ -1161,25 +1181,6 @@ 

              # therefore set `published` to None.

              images = self.get_images_by_nvrs(

                  leaf_container_images, None, content_sets, srpm_nvrs)

-             # There can be multi-arch images which share the same

-             # image['brew']['build']. Freshmaker is not interested in the image

-             # architecture, it is only interested in NVR, so group the images

-             # by the same image['brew']['build'] and include just first one in the

-             # image list.

-             sorted_images = sorted_by_nvr(images, reverse=True)

-             images = []


-             # We must combine content_sets with same image NVR

-             # but different architectures into one content_sets field

-             for k, temp_images in groupby(sorted_images, key=lambda item: item.nvr):

-                 temp_images = list(temp_images)

-                 img = temp_images[0]

-                 if 'content_sets' in img and len(temp_images) > 1:

-                     new_content_sets = set(img.get('content_sets'))

-                     for i in temp_images[1:]:

-                         new_content_sets.update(i.get('content_sets', []))

-                     img["content_sets"] = list(new_content_sets)

-                 images.append(img)


          # In case we query for unpublished images, we need to return just

          # the latest NVR for given name-version, otherwise images would

file modified
+12 -5
@@ -834,6 +834,10 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(2, len(images))


          image = images[0]

+         self.assertEqual('57ea8d289c624c035f96f4db', image['_id'])

+         self.assertEqual('sadc-docker',

+                          image['brew']['package'])

+         image = images[1]

          self.assertEqual('57ea8d1f9c624c035f96f4b0', image['_id'])


@@ -858,6 +862,7 @@ 

                          'build': 'sadc-container-1.1-6',

                          'package': 'sadc-container',


+                     'content_sets': ['dummy-content-set-1'],



                      '_id': '57ea8d289c624c035f96f4db',
@@ -868,6 +873,7 @@ 

                          'build': 'sadc-container-1.1-6',

                          'package': 'sadc-container',


+                     'content_sets': ['dummy-content-set-2'],



              'status': 'COMPLETE',
@@ -897,7 +903,7 @@ 

              cert=(self.fake_cert_file, self.fake_private_key),

              headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}


-         self.assertEqual(2, len(images))

+         self.assertEqual(1, len(images))

          # Verify update_multi_arch is first called with the second image,

          # then with the first image. This is to ensure all ContainerImage

          # objects for the same Brew build have the same multi arch data.
@@ -2032,9 +2038,10 @@ 

          new_images = [ContainerImage.create(i) for i in new_images]

          find_repos.return_value = self.fake_repositories_with_content_sets

          find_images.return_value = self.fake_container_images + new_images

-         right_content_sets = [["dummy-content-set-1"],

-                               ["dummy-content-set-1", "dummy-content-set-2"],

-                               ["content-set-1", "content-set-2", "content-set-3"]]

+         right_content_sets = [["dummy-content-set-1", "dummy-content-set-2"],

+                               ["dummy-content-set-1"],

+                               ["content-set-1", "content-set-2"],

+                               ["content-set-2", "content-set-3"]]

          with patch('os.path.exists'):

              lb = LightBlue(server_url=self.fake_server_url,

@@ -2044,7 +2051,7 @@ 

                  ["content-set-1", "content-set-2", "content-set-3"],



-         self.assertEqual(3, len(ret))

+         self.assertEqual(4, len(ret))

          images_content_sets = [sorted(i.get('content_sets', ['!'])) for i in ret]

          self.assertEqual(images_content_sets, right_content_sets)


When setting generate_pulp_repos to True, we should ensure that the
content_sets for the one image contains the content sets for all the
architectures of that image. Let's do this for every container image
returned from LightBlue, and not that late in the process instead.

ref: CLOUDWF-1561

Signed-off-by: Giulia Naponiello gnaponie@redhat.com

@jkaluza could you review? I'm not so sure about the tests... but it makes sense based on the new code.

Commit 382db82 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago