#526 No need to get unpublished images anymore
Merged 4 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 4 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/freshmaker remove-unpublished  into  master

file modified
@@ -1009,47 +1009,6 @@ 

              images = self.filter_out_images_with_higher_srpm_nvr(images, srpm_name_to_nvrs)

          return images


-     def find_unpublished_image_for_build(self, build):

-         """

-         Returns the unpublished variant of Docker image specified by `build`

-         Brew build N-V-R.


-         :param str build: Brew build N-V-R.

-         :return: Unpublished container image.

-         :rtype: ContainerImage.

-         """

-         image_request = {

-             "objectType": "containerImage",

-             "query": {

-                 "$and": [

-                     {

-                         "field": "brew.build",

-                         "op": "=",

-                         "rvalue": build

-                     },

-                     {

-                         "$or": [

-                             {

-                                 "field": "repositories.*.published",

-                                 "op": "=",

-                                 "rvalue": False

-                             },

-                             {

-                                 "field": "repositories#",

-                                 "op": "=",

-                                 "rvalue": 0

-                             }

-                         ]

-                     }

-                 ]

-             },

-             "projection": self._get_default_projection(include_rpm_manifest=False)

-         }

-         images = self.find_container_images(image_request)

-         if not images:

-             return None

-         return images[0]


      def find_parent_brew_build_nvr_from_child(self, child_image):


          Returns the parent brew build NVR of the input image. If the parent is not found it returns None.
@@ -1492,14 +1451,6 @@ 

                      # This `srpm_name` is not in image.



-                 unpublished = self.find_unpublished_image_for_build(image.nvr)

-                 if not unpublished:

-                     image.log_error(

-                         "Cannot find unpublished version of image, Lightblue "

-                         "data is probably incomplete")

-                     rebuild_list[srpm_name] = [image]

-                     continue


                  rebuild_list[srpm_name] = self.find_parent_images_with_package(

                      image, srpm_name, [])

                  if rebuild_list[srpm_name]:

file modified
+1 -41
@@ -1506,11 +1506,9 @@ 




-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.LightBlue.find_unpublished_image_for_build')


      def test_images_to_rebuild(self,


-                                find_unpublished_image_for_build,



          exists.return_value = True
@@ -1640,7 +1638,6 @@ 


              image["directly_affected"] = True


-         find_unpublished_image_for_build.side_effect = images

          find_images_with_packages_from_content_set.return_value = images


          leaf_image6_as_parent = copy.deepcopy(leaf_image6)
@@ -1720,11 +1717,10 @@ 




-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.LightBlue.find_unpublished_image_for_build')



      def test_parent_images_with_package_using_field_parent_brew_build_parent_empty(

-             self, exists, find_parent_images_with_package, find_unpublished_image_for_build,

+             self, exists, find_parent_images_with_package,

              find_images_with_packages_from_content_set, cont_images):

          exists.return_value = True

@@ -1742,7 +1738,6 @@ 



          find_parent_images_with_package.return_value = []

-         find_unpublished_image_for_build.return_value = image_a

          find_images_with_packages_from_content_set.return_value = [image_a]

          cont_images.side_effect = [self.fake_container_images_with_parent_brew_build, [], []]

@@ -1798,41 +1793,6 @@ 


                           set(["dummy-content-set-1", "dummy-content-set-2"]))


-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.LightBlue.find_images_with_packages_from_content_set')

-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.LightBlue.find_unpublished_image_for_build')

-     @patch('os.path.exists')

-     def test_images_to_rebuild_cannot_find_unpublished(

-             self, exists, find_unpublished_image_for_build,

-             find_images_with_packages_from_content_set):

-         exists.return_value = True


-         image_a = ContainerImage.create({

-             'brew': {'package': 'image-a', 'build': 'image-a-v-r1'},

-             'repository': 'repo-1',

-             'commit': 'image-a-commit',

-             'repositories': [{"repository": "foo/bar"}],

-             'rpm_manifest': [{

-                 "rpms": [

-                     {"srpm_name": "dummy"}

-                 ]

-             }]

-         })


-         find_unpublished_image_for_build.return_value = None

-         find_images_with_packages_from_content_set.return_value = [image_a]


-         lb = LightBlue(server_url=self.fake_server_url,

-                        cert=self.fake_cert_file,

-                        private_key=self.fake_private_key)

-         batches = lb.find_images_to_rebuild(["dummy-1-1"], ["dummy"])


-         self.assertEqual(len(batches), 1)

-         self.assertEqual(len(batches[0]), 1)

-         self.assertEqual(

-             list(batches[0])[0]["error"],

-             "Cannot find unpublished version of image, "

-             "Lightblue data is probably incomplete")





We used to get unpublished images from lightblue when finding layers to
get the parent image. This is not needed anymore because we use the
parent_brew_build field in koji now. So we can remove this code.

Signed-off-by: Giulia Naponiello gnaponie@redhat.com

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago