#515 Removing usage of git archive to get 'container.yaml' and 'content_sets.yml' files
Merged 4 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 4 years ago by apaplaus.
apaplaus/freshmaker replace-git-archive  into  master

file modified
+16 -101
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ 

  #            Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@redhat.com>

  #            Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>


- import yaml

  import json

  import os

  import re
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ 


  from freshmaker import log, conf

  from freshmaker.kojiservice import koji_service

- from freshmaker.utils import sorted_by_nvr, get_distgit_files, get_distgit_url

+ from freshmaker.utils import sorted_by_nvr

  import koji


@@ -204,6 +203,7 @@ 

              "arches": None,

              "odcs_compose_ids": None,

              "parent_image_builds": None,

+             "generate_pulp_repos": True,



@@ -295,88 +295,6 @@ 

              for archive in archives if archive['btype'] == 'image']

          return ' '.join(sorted(arches))


-     @region.cache_on_arguments()

-     def _get_additional_data_from_distgit(self, repository, branch, commit):

-         """

-         Finds out information about this image in distgit and returns a dict

-         with following keys:


-         - "generate_pulp_repos" - True when Freshmaker needs to generate Pulp

-             repos using ODCS itself (it means it is not done by OSBS).

-         - "content_sets" - List of x86_64 content_sets as defined in

-             content_sets.yml. We care only about x86_64, because to build

-             non-x86_64 image, OSBS will generate the Pulp repos and therefore

-             we don't need content_sets in Freshmaker.

-         """

-         nvr = self.nvr

-         data = {"generate_pulp_repos": False,

-                 "content_sets": []}


-         if not repository or not branch or not commit:

-             log.warning("%s: Cannot get additional data from distgit.", nvr)

-             return data

-         if "/" in repository:

-             namespace, name = repository.split("/")

-         else:

-             namespace = "rpms"

-             name = repository


-         try:

-             repo_url = get_distgit_url(namespace, name, ssh=False)

-             files = get_distgit_files(

-                 repo_url, commit, ["content_sets.yml", "container.yaml"],

-                 logger=log)

-         except OSError as e:

-             self.log_error("Error while fetching dist-git repo files: %s" % e)

-             return data


-         content_sets_data = files["content_sets.yml"]

-         container_data = files["container.yaml"]


-         if content_sets_data is None:

-             log.debug("%s: Should generate Pulp repo, content_sets.yml does "

-                       "not exist.", nvr)

-             data["generate_pulp_repos"] = True

-             return data


-         try:

-             content_sets_yaml = yaml.safe_load(content_sets_data)

-         except Exception as err:

-             log.exception(err)

-             data["generate_pulp_repos"] = True

-             return data


-         if not content_sets_yaml:

-             log.warning("%s: Should generate Pulp repo, content_sets.yml is "

-                         "empty" % nvr)

-             data["generate_pulp_repos"] = True

-             return data


-         for content_sets in content_sets_yaml.values():

-             data["content_sets"] += content_sets


-         if container_data is None:

-             log.debug("%s: Should generate Pulp repo, container.yaml does not "

-                       "exist.", nvr)

-             data["generate_pulp_repos"] = True

-             return data


-         container_yaml = yaml.safe_load(container_data)


-         if (not container_yaml or "compose" not in container_yaml or

-                 "pulp_repos" not in container_yaml["compose"] or

-                 not container_yaml["compose"]["pulp_repos"]):

-             log.debug("%s: Should generate Pulp repo, pulp_repos not "

-                       "enabled in containery.yaml.", nvr)

-             data["generate_pulp_repos"] = True

-             return data


-         # This is workaround until OSBS-5919 is fixed.

-         if "arches" in self and self["arches"] == "x86_64":

-             data["generate_pulp_repos"] = True


-         return data


      def resolve_commit(self):


          Uses the ContainerImage data to resolve the information about
@@ -406,18 +324,6 @@ 

              content_sets from in case this container image is unpublished and

              therefore without "content_sets" set.


-         data = self._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             self["repository"], self["git_branch"], self["commit"])

-         self["generate_pulp_repos"] = data["generate_pulp_repos"]


-         # Prefer content_sets from content_sets.yml, because it contains

-         # content_sets for all architectures.

-         if data["content_sets"]:

-             self["content_sets"] = data["content_sets"]

-             self["content_sets_source"] = "distgit"

-             log.info("Container image %s uses following content sets: %r",

-                      self.nvr, data["content_sets"])

-             return


          # ContainerImage now has content_sets field, so use it if available.

          if "content_sets" in self and self["content_sets"]:
@@ -427,9 +333,8 @@ 

                  self["content_sets_source"] = "lightblue_container_image"



-         # In case content_sets cannot be get from content_sets.yml and also

-         # are not set directly in this ContainerImage, try to get them from

-         # children image.

+         # In case content_sets are not set directly in this ContainerImage,

+         # try to get them from children image.

          self["content_sets_source"] = "child_image"

          if not children:

              log.warning("Container image %s does not have 'content_sets' set "
@@ -1279,8 +1184,18 @@ 

              # image list.

              sorted_images = sorted_by_nvr(images, reverse=True)

              images = []

-             for k, v in groupby(sorted_images, key=lambda item: item.nvr):

-                 images.append(next(v))


+             # We must combine content_sets with same image NVR

+             # but different architectures into one content_sets field

+             for k, temp_images in groupby(sorted_images, key=lambda item: item.nvr):

+                 temp_images = list(temp_images)

+                 img = temp_images[0]

+                 if 'content_sets' in img and len(temp_images) > 1:

+                     new_content_sets = set(img.get('content_sets'))

+                     for i in temp_images[1:]:

+                         new_content_sets.update(i.get('content_sets', []))

+                     img["content_sets"] = list(new_content_sets)

+                 images.append(img)


          # In case we query for unpublished images, we need to return just

          # the latest NVR for given name-version, otherwise images would

file modified
@@ -21,16 +21,12 @@ 



  import functools

- import getpass

- import os

  import subprocess

  import sys

  import tempfile

  import time

  import koji

  import kobo.rpmlib

- import tarfile

- import io


  from freshmaker import conf, app, log

  from freshmaker.types import ArtifactType
@@ -164,76 +160,6 @@ 

      return wrapper



- def get_distgit_url(namespace, name, ssh=True, user=None):

-     """

-     Returns the dist-git repository URL.


-     :param str namespace: Namespace in which the repository is located, for

-         example "rpms", "containers", "modules", ...

-     :param str name: Name of the repository inside the namespace.

-     :param bool ssh: indicate whether SSH auth will be used when fetching the

-         files. Default is True.

-     :param str user: If set, overrides the default user for SSH auth.

-         Otherwise, username specified in config ``git_user`` will be used.

-     :return: The dist-git repository URL.

-     :rtype: str

-     """

-     if ssh:

-         if user is None:

-             if hasattr(conf, 'git_user'):

-                 user = conf.git_user

-             else:

-                 user = getpass.getuser()

-         repo_url = conf.git_ssh_base_url % user

-     else:

-         repo_url = conf.git_base_url


-     repo_url = os.path.join(repo_url, namespace, name)

-     return repo_url



- @retry(logger=log)

- def get_distgit_files(repo_url, commit_or_branch, files, logger=None):

-     """

-     Fetches the `files` from dist-git repository defined by `namespace`,

-     `name` and `commit_or_branch` and returns them.


-     This is much faster than cloning the dist-git repository and should be

-     preferred method to get the files from dist-git in case the full clone

-     of repository is not needed.


-     :param str repo_url: the repository URL.

-     :param str commit_or_branch: Commit hash or branch name.

-     :param list[str] files: List of files to fetch.

-     :param freshmaker.log logger: Logger instance.

-     :return: Dictionary with file name as key and file content as value.

-         If the file does not exist in a dist-git repo, None is used as value.

-     :rtype: dict[str, str or None]

-     """

-     # Use the "git archive" to get the files in tarball and then extract

-     # them and return in dict. We need to go file by file, because the

-     # "git archive" would fail completely in case any file does not exist

-     # in the git repo.

-     ret = {}

-     for f in files:

-         try:

-             cmd = ['git', 'archive', '--remote=%s' % repo_url,

-                    commit_or_branch, f]

-             tar_data = _run_command(cmd, logger=logger, log_output=False)

-             with io.BytesIO(tar_data.encode()) as tar_bytes:

-                 with tarfile.open(fileobj=tar_bytes) as tar:

-                     for member in tar.getmembers():

-                         with tar.extractfile(member) as fd:

-                             ret[member.name] = fd.read().decode()

-         except OSError as e:

-             if "path not found" in str(e):

-                 ret[os.path.basename(f)] = None

-             else:

-                 raise


-     return ret



  def _run_command(command, logger=None, rundir=None, output=subprocess.PIPE, error=subprocess.PIPE, env=None,


      """Run a command, return output. Error out if command exit with non-zero code."""

file modified
+73 -148
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ 

  from freshmaker.lightblue import LightBlue

  from freshmaker.lightblue import LightBlueRequestError

  from freshmaker.lightblue import LightBlueSystemError

- from freshmaker.utils import sorted_by_nvr, get_distgit_url

- from freshmaker import log

+ from freshmaker.utils import sorted_by_nvr

  from tests import helpers


@@ -140,142 +139,6 @@ 




- class TestGetAdditionalDataFromDistGit(helpers.FreshmakerTestCase):


-     def setUp(self):

-         super(TestGetAdditionalDataFromDistGit, self).setUp()


-         self.patcher = helpers.Patcher(

-             "freshmaker.lightblue.")

-         self.get_distgit_files = self.patcher.patch("get_distgit_files")

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": None,

-             "container.yaml": None,

-         }


-     def tearDown(self):

-         super(TestGetAdditionalDataFromDistGit, self).tearDown()

-         self.patcher.unpatch_all()


-     def test_generate(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "x86_64:\n  - content_set",

-             "container.yaml": "compose:\n  pulp_repos: True",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], False)


-         repo_url = get_distgit_url('rpms', 'foo-docker', ssh=False)

-         self.get_distgit_files.assert_called_once_with(

-             repo_url, "commit",

-             ["content_sets.yml", "container.yaml"], logger=log)


-     def test_generate_os_error(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.side_effect = OSError(

-             "Got an error (128) from git: fatal: reference is not a tree: "

-             "4d42e2009cec70d871c65de821396cd750d523f1")


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], False)


-         self.assertEqual(

-             image["error"],

-             "Error while fetching dist-git repo files: Got an error (128) from git: "

-             "fatal: reference is not a tree: 4d42e2009cec70d871c65de821396cd750d523f1")


-         repo_url = get_distgit_url('rpms', 'foo-docker', ssh=False)

-         self.get_distgit_files.assert_called_once_with(

-             repo_url, 'commit',

-             ["content_sets.yml", "container.yaml"], logger=log)


-     def test_generate_no_namespace(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "x86_64:\n  - content_set",

-             "container.yaml": "compose:\n  pulp_repos: True",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], False)


-         repo_url = get_distgit_url('rpms', 'foo-docker', ssh=False)

-         self.get_distgit_files.assert_called_once_with(

-             repo_url, "commit",

-             ["content_sets.yml", "container.yaml"], logger=log)


-     def test_generate_no_pulp_repos(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "x86_64:\n  - content_set",

-             "container.yaml": "compose:\n  pulp_repos_x: True",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], True)


-     def test_generate_pulp_repos_false(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "x86_64:\n  - content_set",

-             "container.yaml": "compose:\n  pulp_repos: False",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], True)


-     def test_generate_no_content_sets_yml(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": None,

-             "container.yaml": "compose:\n  pulp_repos: False",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], True)


-     def test_generate_no_container_yaml(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "x86_64:\n  - content_set",

-             "container.yaml": None,

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], True)


-     def test_generate_content_sets_yml_empty(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "",

-             "container.yaml": "compose:\n  pulp_repos: False",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], True)


-     def test_generate_container_yaml_empty(self):

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": "x86_64:\n  - content_set",

-             "container.yaml": "",

-         }


-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         ret = image._get_additional_data_from_distgit(

-             "rpms/foo-docker", "branch", "commit")

-         self.assertEqual(ret["generate_pulp_repos"], True)



  class TestContainerImageObject(helpers.FreshmakerTestCase):


      def setUp(self):
@@ -287,11 +150,6 @@ 


          self.patcher = helpers.Patcher(


-         self.get_distgit_files = self.patcher.patch("get_distgit_files")

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": None,

-             "container.yaml": None,

-         }


          self.dummy_image = ContainerImage.create({

              '_id': '1233829',
@@ -420,6 +278,7 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["commit"], "commit_hash1")

          self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["target"], "target1")

          self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["odcs_compose_ids"], [7300, 7301])

+         self.assertTrue(self.dummy_image["generate_pulp_repos"])



@@ -665,11 +524,6 @@ 


          self.patcher = helpers.Patcher(


-         self.get_distgit_files = self.patcher.patch("get_distgit_files")

-         self.get_distgit_files.return_value = {

-             "content_sets.yml": None,

-             "container.yaml": None,

-         }


          self.fake_server_url = 'lightblue.localhost'

          self.fake_cert_file = 'path/to/cert'
@@ -2047,6 +1901,77 @@ 

                              {'field': 'rpm_manifest.*.rpms.*.srpm_name', 'include': True, 'recursive': True}],

               'objectType': 'containerImage'})


+     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.LightBlue.find_container_repositories')

+     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.LightBlue.find_container_images')

+     def test_content_sets_of_multiarch_images_to_rebuild(

+             self, find_images, find_repos):

+         new_images = [

+             {

+                 'brew': {

+                     'completion_date': u'20170421T04:27:51.000-0400',

+                     'build': 'build1-name-1.1',

+                     'package': 'package-name-3'

+                 },

+                 "content_sets": ["content-set-1",

+                                  "content-set-2"],

+                 'parent_brew_build': 'some-original-nvr-7.6-252.1561619826',

+                 'repositories': [

+                     {'repository': 'product1/repo1', 'published': True,

+                      'tags': [{"name": "latest"}]}

+                 ],

+                 'rpm_manifest': [{

+                     'rpms': [

+                         {

+                             "srpm_name": "openssl",

+                             "srpm_nevra": "openssl-0:1.2.3-1.src"

+                         }

+                     ]

+                 }],

+                 'architecture': 'amd64'

+             },

+             {

+                 'brew': {

+                     'completion_date': u'20170421T04:27:51.000-0400',

+                     'build': 'build1-name-1.1',

+                     'package': 'package-name-4'

+                 },

+                 "content_sets": ["content-set-2",

+                                  "content-set-3"],

+                 'parent_brew_build': 'some-original-nvr-7.6-252.1561619826',

+                 'repositories': [

+                     {'repository': 'product1/repo1', 'published': True,

+                      'tags': [{"name": "latest"}]}

+                 ],

+                 'rpm_manifest': [{

+                     'rpms': [

+                         {

+                             "srpm_name": "openssl",

+                             "srpm_nevra": "openssl-0:1.2.3-1.src"

+                         }

+                     ]

+                 }],

+                 'architecture': 's390x'

+             }

+         ]

+         new_images = [ContainerImage.create(i) for i in new_images]

+         find_repos.return_value = self.fake_repositories_with_content_sets

+         find_images.return_value = self.fake_container_images + new_images

+         right_content_sets = [["dummy-content-set-1"],

+                               ["dummy-content-set-1", "dummy-content-set-2"],

+                               ["content-set-1", "content-set-2", "content-set-3"]]

+         with patch('os.path.exists'):

+             lb = LightBlue(server_url=self.fake_server_url,

+                            cert=self.fake_cert_file,

+                            private_key=self.fake_private_key)

+             ret = lb.find_images_with_packages_from_content_set(

+                 set(["openssl-1.2.3-3"]),

+                 ["content-set-1", "content-set-2", "content-set-3"],

+                 leaf_container_images=['placeholder'])


+         self.assertEqual(3, len(ret))

+         images_content_sets = [sorted(i.get('content_sets', ['!'])) for i in ret]

+         self.assertEqual(images_content_sets, right_content_sets)




      def test_images_with_modular_container_image(

file modified
+1 -54
@@ -20,16 +20,13 @@ 


  # Written by Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@redhat.com>


- import shutil

- import tempfile


  from unittest.mock import patch


  import pytest


  from freshmaker import conf

  from freshmaker.models import ArtifactType

- from freshmaker.utils import get_rebuilt_nvr, sorted_by_nvr, get_distgit_files

+ from freshmaker.utils import get_rebuilt_nvr, sorted_by_nvr

  from tests import helpers


@@ -74,53 +71,3 @@ 

          expected = ["bar-1-2", "foo-1-1", "foo-1-10"]

          ret = sorted_by_nvr(lst, reverse=True)

          self.assertEqual(ret, list(reversed(expected)))



- class TestGetDistGitFiles(object):

-     """Test get_distgit_files"""


-     @classmethod

-     def setup_class(cls):

-         import os

-         import subprocess

-         cls.repo_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

-         with open(os.path.join(cls.repo_dir, 'a.txt'), 'w') as f:

-             f.write('hello')

-         with open(os.path.join(cls.repo_dir, 'b.txt'), 'w') as f:

-             f.write('world')

-         git_cmds = [

-             ['git', 'init'],

-             ['git', 'add', 'a.txt', 'b.txt'],

-             ['git', 'config', 'user.name', 'tester'],

-             ['git', 'config', 'user.email', 'tester@localhost'],

-             ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'initial commit for test'],

-         ]

-         for cmd in git_cmds:

-             subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cls.repo_dir)


-         cls.repo_url = 'file://' + cls.repo_dir


-     @classmethod

-     def teardown_class(cls):

-         shutil.rmtree(cls.repo_dir)


-     @pytest.mark.parametrize('files,expected', [

-         [['a.txt'], {'a.txt': 'hello'}],

-         [['a.txt', 'b.txt'], {'a.txt': 'hello', 'b.txt': 'world'}],

-     ])

-     def test_get_files(self, files, expected):

-         result = get_distgit_files(self.repo_url, 'master', files)

-         assert expected == result


-     @patch('freshmaker.utils._run_command')

-     def test_error_path_not_found(self, run_command):

-         run_command.side_effect = OSError('path not found')

-         result = get_distgit_files(self.repo_url, 'master', ['a.txt'])

-         assert {'a.txt': None} == result


-     @patch('freshmaker.utils._run_command')

-     @patch('time.sleep')

-     def test_unhandled_error_occurs(self, sleep, run_command):

-         run_command.side_effect = ValueError

-         with pytest.raises(ValueError):

-             get_distgit_files(self.repo_url, 'master', ['a.txt'])

Remove git archive calls to git-dist, remove unused code associated with this functionality and tests for them. Add test for new replacing code.


1 new commit added

  • Code style fixes + remove unsused imports
4 years ago

@jkaluza could you review if you have time? To double check if that was what you had in mind when we discussed about it.

It seems the right approach to me. Let's see if @jkaluza is also of the same opinion before we continue with the review.

@gnaponie, this looks good to me. I presume we have checked somehow that all the latest shipped container images have the content_sets set so there is no need to use the git archive anymore right?

I think that's what we did in the spike card that was done before that. I'll double check.

Checked this once again, I tried to test it also locally with dev_scripts/find_images_to_rebuild.py and this seems correct to me. @apaplaus could you remove the WIP state so maybe we can merge this?

Checked this once again, I tried to test it also locally with dev_scripts/find_images_to_rebuild.py and this seems correct to me. @apaplaus could you remove the WIP state so maybe we can merge this?


rebased onto b2d3af7

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago