#501 Aggregate multi-arch info in ContainerImage
Merged 4 years ago by lucarval. Opened 4 years ago by lucarval.
lucarval/freshmaker multi-arch-unpublished  into  master

file modified
+38 -2
@@ -137,6 +137,13 @@ 

      def create(cls, data):

          image = cls()



+         arch = data.get('architecture')

+         image['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'] = {}

+         rpm_manifest = data.get('rpm_manifest')

+         if arch and rpm_manifest:

+             image['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'][arch] = rpm_manifest


          return image


      def __hash__(self):
@@ -157,6 +164,23 @@ 


              self['error'] += "; " + str(err)


+     def update_multi_arch(self, image):

+         """

+         Update multi-arch attributes for this image from another image.


+         :param ContainerImage image: the container image object to copy multi

+             arch attributes from

+         :rtype: None

+         """

+         image_arch = image.get('architecture')

+         if not image_arch:

+             return


+         image_rpm_manifest = image.get('rpm_manifest')

+         if not image_rpm_manifest:

+             return

+         self['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'][image_arch] = image_rpm_manifest



      def is_base_image(self):

          return (self['parent'] is None and
@@ -631,10 +655,21 @@ 

          response = self._make_request(url, request)


          images = []

+         nvr_to_arches = {}

          for image_data in response['processed']:

-             image = ContainerImage()

-             image.update(image_data)

+             image = ContainerImage.create(image_data)



+             # TODO: In the future, we may want to combine different ContainerImage

+             # objects into a single object. For now, ensure that whichever object

+             # is used by caller contains multi-arch information.

+             nvr = image['brew']['build']

+             nvr_to_arches.setdefault(nvr, [])

+             nvr_to_arches[nvr].append(image)

+             for arch_image in nvr_to_arches[nvr][:-1]:

+                 arch_image.update_multi_arch(image)

+                 image.update_multi_arch(arch_image)


          return images


      def _set_container_repository_filters(
@@ -718,6 +753,7 @@ 

              {"field": "repositories.*.tags.*.name", "include": True, "recursive": True},

              {"field": "content_sets", "include": True, "recursive": True},

              {"field": "parent_brew_build", "include": True, "recursive": False},

+             {"field": "architecture", "include": True, "recursive": False},


          if include_rpm_manifest:

              if srpm_names:

file modified
+28 -19
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 


      def _fake_odcs_new_compose(

              self, compose_source, tag, packages=None, results=None,

-             builds=None):

+             builds=None, arches=None):


          Fake odcs.new_compose(...) method used in the dry run mode.

@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ 



              "DRY RUN: Calling fake odcs.new_compose with args: %r",

-             (compose_source, tag, packages, results))

+             (compose_source, tag, packages, results, arches))


          # In case we run in DRY_RUN mode, we need to initialize

          # FAKE_COMPOSE_ID to the id of last ODCS compose to give the IDs
@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ 


          if builds:

              new_compose['builds'] = builds

+         if arches:

+             new_compose['arches'] = arches


          # Generate and inject the ODCSComposeStateChangeEvent event.

          event = ODCSComposeStateChangeEvent(
@@ -317,39 +319,46 @@ 

          :rtype: dict



-         if not image.get('rpm_manifest'):

-             self.handler.log_warn('"rpm_manifest" not set in image.')

-             return


-         rpm_manifest = image["rpm_manifest"][0]

-         if not rpm_manifest.get('rpms'):

+         if not image.get('multi_arch_rpm_manifest'):

+             self.handler.log_warn('"multi_arch_rpm_manifest" not set in image.')



          builds = set()

          packages = set()

-         for rpm in rpm_manifest["rpms"]:

-             parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvra(rpm["srpm_nevra"])

-             srpm_nvr = "%s-%s-%s" % (parsed_nvr["name"], parsed_nvr["version"],

-                                      parsed_nvr["release"])

-             builds.add(srpm_nvr)

-             parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvra(rpm["nvra"])

-             packages.add(parsed_nvr["name"])


-         # ODCS client expects list and not set for packages/builds, so convert


+         for rpm_manifest in image['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'].values():

+             # For some reason, the rpm manifest itself is always a wrapped in a list.

+             if not rpm_manifest:

+                 continue

+             for rpm in rpm_manifest[0].get("rpms", []):

+                 parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvra(rpm["srpm_nevra"])

+                 srpm_nvr = "%s-%s-%s" % (parsed_nvr["name"], parsed_nvr["version"],

+                                          parsed_nvr["release"])

+                 builds.add(srpm_nvr)

+                 parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvra(rpm["nvra"])

+                 packages.add(parsed_nvr["name"])


+         if not builds or not packages:

+             self.handler.log_warn('No builds or packages identified in image')

+             return


+         # ODCS client expects list and not set for packages/builds/arches, so convert

          # them to lists. Sorting the lists to make them easy to look up, e.g.

          # in logs, and easy to test.

          builds = sorted(builds)

          packages = sorted(packages)

+         arches = sorted(image['arches'].split())


          if not self.handler.dry_run:

              with krb_context():

                  new_compose = create_odcs_client().new_compose(

                      "", 'build', packages=packages, builds=builds,

-                     sigkeys=conf.odcs_sigkeys, flags=["no_deps"])

+                     arches=arches, sigkeys=conf.odcs_sigkeys,

+                     flags=["no_deps"])


              new_compose = self._fake_odcs_new_compose(

                  "", 'build', packages=packages,

-                 builds=builds)

+                 builds=builds, arches=arches)



              "Started generating ODCS 'build' type compose %d." % (

file modified
@@ -332,6 +332,57 @@ 

          self.assertEqual('1233829', image['_id'])

          self.assertEqual('20151210T10:09:35.000-0500', image['brew']['completion_date'])


+     def test_update_multi_arch(self):

+         rpm_manifest_x86_64 = [{'rpms': [{'name': 'spam'}]}]

+         image_x86_64 = ContainerImage.create({

+             '_id': '1233829',

+             'architecture': 'amd64',

+             'brew': {

+                 'completion_date': '20151210T10:09:35.000-0500',

+                 'build': 'jboss-webserver-3-webserver30-tomcat7-openshift-docker-1.1-6',

+                 'package': 'jboss-webserver-3-webserver30-tomcat7-openshift-docker'

+             },

+             'rpm_manifest': rpm_manifest_x86_64,

+         })


+         rpm_manifest_s390x = [{'rpms': [{'name': 'maps'}]}]

+         image_s390x = ContainerImage.create({

+             '_id': '1233829',

+             'architecture': 's390x',

+             'brew': {

+                 'completion_date': '20151210T10:09:35.000-0500',

+                 'build': 'jboss-webserver-3-webserver30-tomcat7-openshift-docker-1.1-6',

+                 'package': 'jboss-webserver-3-webserver30-tomcat7-openshift-docker'

+             },

+             'rpm_manifest': rpm_manifest_s390x,

+         })


+         self.assertEqual(image_x86_64['rpm_manifest'], rpm_manifest_x86_64)

+         self.assertEqual(image_x86_64['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'], {'amd64': rpm_manifest_x86_64})

+         self.assertEqual(image_s390x['rpm_manifest'], rpm_manifest_s390x)

+         self.assertEqual(image_s390x['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'], {'s390x': rpm_manifest_s390x})


+         image_x86_64.update_multi_arch(image_s390x)

+         self.assertEqual(image_x86_64['rpm_manifest'], rpm_manifest_x86_64)

+         self.assertEqual(image_x86_64['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'], {

+             'amd64': rpm_manifest_x86_64,

+             's390x': rpm_manifest_s390x

+         })

+         self.assertEqual(image_s390x['rpm_manifest'], rpm_manifest_s390x)

+         self.assertEqual(image_s390x['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'], {'s390x': rpm_manifest_s390x})


+         image_s390x.update_multi_arch(image_x86_64)

+         self.assertEqual(image_x86_64['rpm_manifest'], rpm_manifest_x86_64)

+         self.assertEqual(image_x86_64['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'], {

+             'amd64': rpm_manifest_x86_64,

+             's390x': rpm_manifest_s390x

+         })

+         self.assertEqual(image_s390x['rpm_manifest'], rpm_manifest_s390x)

+         self.assertEqual(image_s390x['multi_arch_rpm_manifest'], {

+             'amd64': rpm_manifest_x86_64,

+             's390x': rpm_manifest_s390x

+         })


      def test_log_error(self):

          image = ContainerImage.create({

              'brew': {
@@ -894,6 +945,7 @@ 

                  {"field": "_id", "include": True},

                  {"field": "image_id", "include": True},

                  {"field": "brew", "include": True, "recursive": True},

+                 {"field": "architecture", "include": True, "recursive": False},



@@ -917,6 +969,74 @@ 




+     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.ContainerImage.update_multi_arch')

+     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.requests.post')

+     def test_find_container_images_with_multi_arch(self, post, update_multi_arch):

+         post.return_value.status_code = http.client.OK

+         post.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'modifiedCount': 0,

+             'resultMetadata': [],

+             'entityVersion': '0.0.12',

+             'hostname': self.fake_server_url,

+             'matchCount': 2,

+             'processed': [

+                 {

+                     '_id': '57ea8d1f9c624c035f96f4b0',

+                     'image_id': 'e0f97342ddf6a09972434f98837b5fd8b5bed9390f32f1d63e8a7e4893208af7',

+                     'architecture': 'amd64',

+                     'brew': {

+                         'completion_date': '20151210T10:09:35.000-0500',

+                         'build': 'sadc-container-1.1-6',

+                         'package': 'sadc-container',

+                     },

+                 },

+                 {

+                     '_id': '57ea8d289c624c035f96f4db',

+                     'image_id': 'c1ef3345f36b901b0bddc7ab01ea3f3c83c886faa243e02553f475124eb4b46c',

+                     'architecture': 's390x',

+                     'brew': {

+                         'completion_date': '20151203T00:35:30.000-0500',

+                         'build': 'sadc-container-1.1-6',

+                         'package': 'sadc-container',

+                     },

+                 }

+             ],

+             'status': 'COMPLETE',

+             'entity': 'containerImage'

+         }


+         fake_request = {

+             "objectType": "containerImage",

+             "projection": [

+                 {"field": "_id", "include": True},

+                 {"field": "image_id", "include": True},

+                 {"field": "brew", "include": True, "recursive": True},

+                 {"field": "architecture", "include": True, "recursive": False},

+             ],

+         }


+         with patch('os.path.exists'):

+             lb = LightBlue(server_url=self.fake_server_url,

+                            cert=self.fake_cert_file,

+                            private_key=self.fake_private_key)

+             images = lb.find_container_images(request=fake_request)


+         post.assert_called_once_with(

+             '{}/{}/'.format(lb.api_root, 'find/containerImage'),

+             data=json.dumps(fake_request),

+             verify=lb.verify_ssl,

+             cert=(self.fake_cert_file, self.fake_private_key),

+             headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(2, len(images))

+         # Verify update_multi_arch is first called with the second image,

+         # then with the first image. This is to ensure all ContainerImage

+         # objects for the same Brew build have the same multi arch data.

+         self.assertEqual(

+             ['c1ef3345f36b901b0bddc7ab01ea3f3c83c886faa243e02553f475124eb4b46c',

+              'e0f97342ddf6a09972434f98837b5fd8b5bed9390f32f1d63e8a7e4893208af7'],

+             [call_args[0][0]['image_id'] for call_args in update_multi_arch.call_args_list])



      def test_find_container_repositories(self, post):

          post.return_value.status_code = http.client.OK
@@ -1274,6 +1394,7 @@ 

                                   "git_branch": "mybranch",

                                   "error": None,

                                   "arches": None,

+                                  "multi_arch_rpm_manifest": {},

                                   "odcs_compose_ids": None,

                                   "parent_build_id": None,

                                   "parent_image_builds": None,
@@ -1816,6 +1937,7 @@ 

                              {'field': 'repositories.*.tags.*.name', 'include': True, 'recursive': True},

                              {'field': 'content_sets', 'include': True, 'recursive': True},

                              {'field': 'parent_brew_build', 'include': True, 'recursive': False},

+                             {'field': 'architecture', 'include': True, 'recursive': False},

                              {'field': 'rpm_manifest.*.rpms', 'include': True, 'recursive': True},

                              {'field': 'rpm_manifest.*.rpms.*.srpm_name', 'include': True, 'recursive': True}],

               'objectType': 'containerImage'})

file modified
+75 -24
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ 

  from odcs.client.odcs import AuthMech


  from freshmaker import conf, db

+ from freshmaker.lightblue import ContainerImage

  from freshmaker.models import Event, ArtifactBuild, Compose

  from freshmaker.odcsclient import create_odcs_client

  from freshmaker.types import ArtifactBuildState, EventState, ArtifactType
@@ -247,27 +248,33 @@ 


                  "of advisory 123 is the latest build in its candidate tag."))


-     def _get_fake_container_image(self):

-         return {

-             u'rpm_manifest': [

-                 {u'rpms': [{u'architecture': u'noarch',

-                             u'gpg': u'199e2f91fd431d51',

-                             u'name': u'apache-commons-lang',

-                             u'nvra': u'apache-commons-lang-2.6-15.el7.noarch',

-                             u'release': u'15.el7',

-                             u'srpm_name': u'apache-commons-lang',

-                             u'srpm_nevra': u'apache-commons-lang-0:2.6-15.el7.src',

-                             u'summary': u'Provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API',

-                             u'version': u'2.6'},

-                            {u'architecture': u'noarch',

-                             u'gpg': u'199e2f91fd431d51',

-                             u'name': u'avalon-logkit',

-                             u'nvra': u'avalon-logkit-2.1-14.el7.noarch',

-                             u'release': u'14.el7',

-                             u'srpm_name': u'avalon-logkit',

-                             u'srpm_nevra': u'avalon-logkit-0:2.1-14.el7.src',

-                             u'summary': u'Java logging toolkit',

-                             u'version': u'2.1'}]}]}

+     def _get_fake_container_image(self, architecture='amd64', arches='x86_64'):

+         rpm_manifest = [{u'rpms': [{

+             u'architecture': architecture,

+             u'gpg': u'199e2f91fd431d51',

+             u'name': u'apache-commons-lang',

+             u'nvra': u'apache-commons-lang-2.6-15.el7.noarch',

+             u'release': u'15.el7',

+             u'srpm_name': u'apache-commons-lang',

+             u'srpm_nevra': u'apache-commons-lang-0:2.6-15.el7.src',

+             u'summary': u'Provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API',

+             u'version': u'2.6'

+         }, {

+             u'architecture': architecture,

+             u'gpg': u'199e2f91fd431d51',

+             u'name': u'avalon-logkit',

+             u'nvra': u'avalon-logkit-2.1-14.el7.noarch',

+             u'release': u'14.el7',

+             u'srpm_name': u'avalon-logkit',

+             u'srpm_nevra': u'avalon-logkit-0:2.1-14.el7.src',

+             u'summary': u'Java logging toolkit',

+             u'version': u'2.1'

+         }]}]

+         return ContainerImage.create({

+             u'arches': arches,  # Populated based on Brew build

+             u'architecture': architecture,  # Populated from Lightblue data

+             u'rpm_manifest': rpm_manifest,

+         })



@@ -295,7 +302,43 @@ 

          # Ensure new_compose is called to request a new compose


              '', 'build', builds=['apache-commons-lang-2.6-15.el7', 'avalon-logkit-2.1-14.el7'],

-             flags=['no_deps'], packages=[u'apache-commons-lang', u'avalon-logkit'], sigkeys=[])

+             flags=['no_deps'], packages=[u'apache-commons-lang', u'avalon-logkit'], sigkeys=[],

+             arches=['x86_64'])


+     @patch('freshmaker.odcsclient.create_odcs_client')

+     @patch('time.sleep')

+     def test_prepare_odcs_compose_with_multi_arch_image_rpms(

+             self, sleep, create_odcs_client):

+         odcs = create_odcs_client.return_value

+         odcs.new_compose.return_value = {

+             "id": 3,

+             "result_repo": "http://localhost/composes/latest-odcs-3-1/compose/Temporary",

+             "result_repofile": "http://localhost/composes/latest-odcs-3-1/compose/Temporary/odcs-3.repo",

+             "source": "f26",

+             "source_type": 1,

+             "state": 0,

+             "state_name": "wait",

+         }


+         arches = 's390x x86_64'

+         image_x86_64 = self._get_fake_container_image(architecture='amd64', arches=arches)

+         image_s390x = self._get_fake_container_image(architecture='s390x', arches=arches)


+         for image in (image_x86_64, image_s390x):

+             handler = MyHandler()

+             compose = handler.odcs.prepare_odcs_compose_with_image_rpms(image)


+             db.session.refresh(self.ev)

+             self.assertEqual(3, compose['id'])


+             # Ensure new_compose is called to request a new multi-arch

+             # compose regardless of which image is used.

+             odcs.new_compose.assert_called_once_with(

+                 '', 'build', builds=['apache-commons-lang-2.6-15.el7', 'avalon-logkit-2.1-14.el7'],

+                 flags=['no_deps'], packages=[u'apache-commons-lang', u'avalon-logkit'], sigkeys=[],

+                 arches=['s390x', 'x86_64'])


+             odcs.reset_mock()



      def test_prepare_odcs_compose_with_image_rpms_dry_run(self, global_consumer):
@@ -324,11 +367,19 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(compose, None)


          compose = handler.odcs.prepare_odcs_compose_with_image_rpms(

-             {"rpm_manifest": []})

+             {"multi_arch_rpm_manifest": {}})

+         self.assertEqual(compose, None)


+         compose = handler.odcs.prepare_odcs_compose_with_image_rpms(

+             {"multi_arch_rpm_manifest": {

+                 "amd64": [],

+             }})

          self.assertEqual(compose, None)


          compose = handler.odcs.prepare_odcs_compose_with_image_rpms(

-             {"rpm_manifest": [{"rpms": []}]})

+             {"multi_arch_rpm_manifest": {

+                 "amd64": [{"rpms": []}],

+             }})

          self.assertEqual(compose, None)



Hmm... architectures will contain the arches as defined in Lightblue. It will use amd64 instead of x86_64. ODCS doesn't know what amd64 is. I think I'll go ahead and drop this attribute from the ContainerImage object and use the existing arches which is populated from Brew build data, I think.

rebased onto adbca394b17135814e540935680797cfbe7bc6f9

4 years ago

Hmm... architectures will contain the arches as defined in Lightblue. It will use amd64 instead of x86_64. ODCS doesn't know what amd64 is. I think I'll go ahead and drop this attribute from the ContainerImage object and use the existing arches which is populated from Brew build data, I think.


optional: just rpm_manifest[0].get.... and remove the previous line

optional: a description of params in input and returned value if there is one is also useful

rebased onto 397a6de

4 years ago

Addressed the optional comments, and added unit tests to cover new code.

Pull-Request has been merged by lucarval

4 years ago