#491 Revert "No need to convert compose ids or verify 'done' state"
Merged 4 years ago by gnaponie. Opened 4 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/freshmaker revert-not-convert-compose-id  into  master

file modified
+28 -12
@@ -533,18 +533,34 @@ 

          if args["renewed_odcs_compose_ids"]:

              compose_ids += args["renewed_odcs_compose_ids"]


-         for compose_id in compose_ids:

-             odcs_compose = self.odcs_get_compose(compose_id)

-             if odcs_compose["state"] in [COMPOSE_STATES['wait'],

-                                          COMPOSE_STATES['generating']]:

-                 # In case the ODCS compose is still generating, raise an

-                 # exception.

-                 msg = ("Compose %s has not been generated yet. Waiting with "

-                        "rebuild." % (str(compose_id)))

-                 self.log_info(msg)

-                 raise ODCSComposeNotReady(msg)

-             # OSBS can renew a compose if it needs to, so we can just pass

-             # it along without further verification for other states.

+         # OSBS cannot handle both repo_urls and compose_ids in the same time.

+         # We use repo_urls only in special cases to build base images. In this

+         # cases, we want to convert compose_ids to repository URLs. Otherwise,

+         # just pass compose_ids to OSBS via Koji.

+         if repo_urls is not None:

+             for compose_id in compose_ids:

+                 odcs_compose = self.odcs_get_compose(compose_id)

+                 if odcs_compose["state"] in [COMPOSE_STATES['wait'],

+                                              COMPOSE_STATES['generating']]:

+                     # In case the ODCS compose is still generating, raise an

+                     # exception.

+                     msg = ("Compose %s is not in done state. Waiting with "

+                            "rebuild." % (str(compose_id)))

+                     self.log_info(msg)

+                     raise ODCSComposeNotReady(msg)

+                 elif odcs_compose["state"] != COMPOSE_STATES["done"]:

+                     # In case the compose is not in 'done' state, mark the

+                     # build as failed. We should never get expired here,

+                     # because the compose has been submitted just a minutes

+                     # ago. If we get "expired" here, it is sign of an issue,

+                     # because that means we are trying to build quite old

+                     # image.

+                     build.transition(

+                         ArtifactBuildState.FAILED.value,

+                         "Compose %s is not in 'done' state." % str(compose_id))

+                     return

+                 repo_urls.append(odcs_compose["result_repofile"])

+             compose_ids = []


          return self.build_container(

              scm_url, branch, target, repo_urls=repo_urls,

file modified
+5 -2
@@ -218,10 +218,13 @@ 

          handler = MyHandler()

          handler.build_image_artifact_build(self.build_1, ["http://localhost/x.repo"])


-         repo_urls = ['http://localhost/x.repo']

+         repo_urls = [

+             'http://localhost/x.repo', 'http://localhost/5.repo',

+             'http://localhost/6.repo', 'http://localhost/7.repo',

+             'http://localhost/8.repo']


              'git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo#hash', 'branch', 'target',

-             arch_override='x86_64', compose_ids=[5, 6, 7, 8], isolated=True,

+             arch_override='x86_64', compose_ids=[], isolated=True,

              koji_parent_build=None, release='2', repo_urls=repo_urls)



See FACTORY-5981 and FACTORY-5984 for more details.

Pull-Request has been merged by gnaponie

4 years ago

Released planned for tomorrow.