#417 Fix: Freshmaker gets unauthorized getting arch
Merged 4 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 4 years ago by gnaponie.
gnaponie/freshmaker FACTORY-4945  into  master

@@ -207,6 +207,9 @@ 

      def get_task_info(self, task_id):

          return self.session.getTaskInfo(task_id)


+     def list_archives(self, build_id):

+         return self.session.listArchives(build_id)


      def get_container_build_id_from_task(self, task_id):


          Return container build id by check 'koji_builds' in build

file modified
+5 -74
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ 

  from itertools import groupby


  from six.moves import http_client

- from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

  import concurrent.futures

  from freshmaker import log, conf

  from freshmaker.kojiservice import koji_service
@@ -260,82 +259,14 @@ 

                  raise KojiLookupError(

                      "Cannot find valid source of Koji build %r" % build)


-             data['arches'] = self._get_architectures_from_registry(nvr, build)

+             if not conf.supply_arch_overrides:

+                 data['arches'] = None

+             else:

+                 archives = session.list_archives(build_id=build['build_id'])

+                 data['arches'] = [archive['extra']['image']['arch'] for archive in archives if archive['btype'] == 'image']


          return data


-     def _get_architectures_from_registry(self, nvr, build):

-         """ Determine the architectures of the build by reading the manifest """


-         # First thing, check our feature flag.  This feature won't work if the OSBS instance we're

-         # working with doesn't support supply arch_overrides, so, if our configuration says "don't

-         # supply arch overrides to OSBS" then return None.

-         if not conf.supply_arch_overrides:

-             return None


-         # If the image doesn't have the digest metadata we need, then we can

-         # assume it is an old single-arch build.  But, if it does have a digest then carefully

-         # query the registry for it to extract the list of arches produced last time.

-         if 'extra' not in build:

-             return 'x86_64'

-         if 'image' not in build['extra']:

-             return 'x86_64'

-         if 'index' not in build['extra']['image']:

-             return 'x86_64'


-         index = build['extra']['image']['index']

-         manifest_list = 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json'

-         digest = index.get('digests', {}).get(manifest_list)


-         if not digest:

-             return 'x86_64'


-         # If it has a digest, then it must have a pull url.

-         registry_urls = [url for url in index['pull'] if digest in url]

-         if not registry_urls:

-             raise KojiLookupError(

-                 "Could not find pull url for Koji build %r %r" % (nvr, digest))


-         url = registry_urls[0].split(digest)[0].strip('@')

-         # If URL does not contain the scheme, use http as default.

-         if not url.startswith("http"):

-             url = "http://" + url

-         # Construct the proper API requests in

-         # GET /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference> format.

-         parsed_url = urlparse(url)

-         url = "%s://%s/v2/%s/manifests/%s" % (

-             parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path.strip("/"),

-             digest)


-         response = requests.get(url, headers=dict(Accept=manifest_list))

-         if not response.ok:

-             raise KojiLookupError(

-                 "Could not pull manifest list from %s for %r: %r" % (url, nvr, response))


-         try:

-             data = response.json()

-         except ValueError as e:

-             raise KojiLookupError(

-                 "Manifest list response for %r was not json: %r %s" % (nvr, e, url))


-         if 'manifests' not in data:

-             raise KojiLookupError(

-                 "Manifest list response for %r was malformed: %s" % (nvr, url, data))


-         # Extract the list of arches, as written

-         manifests = data['manifests']

-         arches = [

-             manifest['platform']['architecture']

-             for manifest in manifests

-             if 'platform' in manifest and 'architecture' in manifest['platform']

-         ]

-         # But!  Convert some arch values into ones familiar to Brew.

-         # Notably, turn amd64 into x86_64.

-         arches = [conf.manifest_v2_arch_map.get(arch, arch) for arch in arches]


-         # Finally, return the list, joined.

-         return ' '.join(arches)



      def _get_additional_data_from_distgit(self, repository, branch, commit):


file modified
+10 -82
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ 


  from freshmaker.lightblue import ContainerImage

  from freshmaker.lightblue import ContainerRepository

- from freshmaker.lightblue import KojiLookupError

  from freshmaker.lightblue import LightBlue

  from freshmaker.lightblue import LightBlueRequestError

  from freshmaker.lightblue import LightBlueSystemError
@@ -403,18 +402,26 @@ 




+     @patch('freshmaker.kojiservice.KojiService.list_archives')

      def test_resolve_commit_prefer_build_source(

-             self, get_task_request, get_build):

+             self, list_archives, get_task_request, get_build):

          get_build.return_value = {

+             "build_id": 67890,

              "task_id": 123456,

              "source": "git://example.com/rpms/repo-1?#commit_hash1"}

          get_task_request.return_value = [

              "git://example.com/rpms/repo-1?#origin/master", "target1", {}]

+         list_archives.return_value = [

+             {'btype': 'image', 'extra': {'image': {'arch': 'ppc64le'}}},

+             {'btype': 'image', 'extra': {'image': {'arch': 's390x'}}}

+         ]


-         self.dummy_image.resolve_commit()

+         with patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'supply_arch_overrides', new=True):

+             self.dummy_image.resolve_commit()

          self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["repository"], "rpms/repo-1")

          self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["commit"], "commit_hash1")

          self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["target"], "target1")

+         self.assertEqual(self.dummy_image["arches"], ['ppc64le', 's390x'])



@@ -2075,82 +2082,3 @@ 

              with patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'lightblue_released_dependencies_only', new=val):

                  ret = self.lb._deduplicate_images_to_rebuild([httpd, perl])

                  self.assertEqual(ret, expected_images)



- class TestArchitecturesFromRegistry(helpers.FreshmakerTestCase):


-     def setUp(self):

-         super(TestArchitecturesFromRegistry, self).setUp()

-         self.build = {

-             'extra': {

-                 'container_koji_task_id': 16879260,

-                 'image': {

-                     'autorebuild': False,

-                     'help': None,

-                     'index': {

-                         'digests': {

-                             'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json': 'sha256:252084580dd052fd6d16b5eb25397cf2396c69ec485ba34692577ebd25693fa7'

-                         },

-                         'pull': [

-                             'blue-pulp-smocker01.sledmat.com:8888/devtools/rust-toolset-7-rhel7@sha256:252084580dd052fd6d16b5eb25397cf2396c69ec485ba34692577ebd25693fa7',

-                             'blue-pulp-smocker01.sledmat.com:8888/devtools/rust-toolset-7-rhel7:1.26.2-4',

-                         ],

-                         'tags': ['latest', '1.26.2', '1.26.2-4']

-                     },

-                     'isolated': False,

-                     'media_types': [

-                         'application/json',

-                         'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json',

-                         'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json',

-                         'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json'],

-                     'parent_build_id': 714853,

-                 },

-                 'submitter': 'osbs'

-             },

-         }


-     def test_feature_flag(self):

-         """ Unless configured, the method should always return None. """

-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         result = image._get_architectures_from_registry('foo', 'whatever')

-         self.assertEqual(result, None)


-     @patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'supply_arch_overrides', new=True)

-     def test_premature_exit(self):

-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         result = image._get_architectures_from_registry('foo', 'whatever')

-         self.assertEqual(result, 'x86_64')


-     @patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'supply_arch_overrides', new=True)

-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.requests')

-     def test_happy_path(self, requests):

-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         requests.get.return_value.json.return_value = {

-             "manifests": [

-                 {"platform": {"architecture": "amd64"}},

-                 {"platform": {"architecture": "s390x"}},

-                 {"platform": {"architecture": "ppc64le"}},

-             ]

-         }

-         result = image._get_architectures_from_registry("foo", self.build)

-         self.assertEqual(result, 'x86_64 s390x ppc64le')

-         requests.get.assert_called_once_with(

-             'http://blue-pulp-smocker01.sledmat.com:8888/v2/devtools/'

-             'rust-toolset-7-rhel7/manifests/'

-             'sha256:252084580dd052fd6d16b5eb25397cf2396c69ec485ba34692577ebd25693fa7',

-             headers={'Accept': 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json'},

-         )


-     @patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'supply_arch_overrides', new=True)

-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.requests')

-     def test_invalid_json(self, requests):

-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         requests.get.return_value.json.side_effect = ValueError

-         self.assertRaises(KojiLookupError, image._get_architectures_from_registry, "foo", self.build)


-     @patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'supply_arch_overrides', new=True)

-     @patch('freshmaker.lightblue.requests')

-     def test_bad_status(self, requests):

-         image = ContainerImage.create({"brew": {"build": "nvr"}})

-         requests.get.return_value.ok = False

-         self.assertRaises(KojiLookupError, image._get_architectures_from_registry, "foo", self.build)

Freshmaker cannot access the registry to get the arch. Instead of
the current behavior, let's use koji to get the info.

ref. FACTORY-4945

rebased onto e54368a

4 years ago

Commit 6c3130f fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

4 years ago