#388 Use right parent image if parent image changes during child image releases.
Merged 4 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 4 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/freshmaker parent-release  into  master

file modified
+137 -122
@@ -1330,131 +1330,146 @@ 

          The foo-2-2 will be kept unchanged in a list, because it is the

          single record for the foo image in version 2.


-         # Temporary dict mapping the NVR of image to coordinates in the

This is all about indentation to put all of this into the for loop. The code did not change in this part.

-         # `to_rebuild` list. For example

-         # nvr_to_coordinates["nvr"] = [[0, 3], ...] means that the image with

-         # nvr "nvr" is 4th image in the to_rebuild[0] list, ...

-         nvr_to_coordinates = {}

-         # Temporary dict mapping the NV to list of NVRs. The List of NVRs

-         # is always sorted descending.

-         nv_to_nvrs = {}

-         # Temporary dict mapping the NVR to image.

-         nvr_to_image = {}

-         # Temporary dict mapping NV to latest released NVR for that NV.

-         nv_to_latest_released_nvr = {}

-         # Temporary list containing names of all images to rebuild. This is

-         # later used to replace "foo-docker" with "foo-container".

-         n_to_nvs = {}


-         # Constructs the temporary dicts as desribed above.

-         for image_id, images in enumerate(to_rebuild):

-             for parent_id, image in enumerate(images):

-                 nvr = image["brew"]["build"]

-                 parsed_nvr = koji.parse_NVR(nvr)

-                 nv = "%s-%s" % (parsed_nvr["name"], parsed_nvr["version"])

-                 if nv not in nv_to_nvrs:

-                     nv_to_nvrs[nv] = []

-                 if nvr not in nv_to_nvrs[nv]:

-                     nv_to_nvrs[nv].append(nvr)

-                 if nvr not in nvr_to_coordinates:

-                     nvr_to_coordinates[nvr] = []

-                 if parsed_nvr["name"] not in n_to_nvs:

-                     n_to_nvs[parsed_nvr["name"]] = []

-                 if nv not in n_to_nvs[parsed_nvr["name"]]:

-                     n_to_nvs[parsed_nvr["name"]].append(nv)

-                 nvr_to_coordinates[nvr].append([image_id, parent_id])

-                 nvr_to_image[nvr] = image

-                 if "latest_released" in image and image["latest_released"]:

-                     nv_to_latest_released_nvr[nv] = nvr


-         # Sort the lists in nv_to_nvrs dict.

-         for nv in nv_to_nvrs.keys():

-             nv_to_nvrs[nv] = sorted_by_nvr(nv_to_nvrs[nv], reverse=True)


-             # There might be container image NVRs which are not released yet,

-             # but some released image is already built on top of them.

-             # The issue is that such unreleased container image won't be in

-             # its containerRepository and therefore won't have proper

-             # content_sets set.

-             # In this case, we copy the content_sets from the released image.

-             # This might bring issue in case the content_sets changed

-             # dramaticaly between released and unreleased release of such

-             # image, but it's still the best guess we can do.

-             # This is also used only as fallback in case "content_sets.yml"

-             # does not exists in the dist-git repo, which should be rare

-             # situation.

-             latest_content_sets = []

-             for nvr in reversed(nv_to_nvrs[nv]):

-                 image = nvr_to_image[nvr]

-                 if ("content_sets" not in image or

-                         not image["content_sets"] or

-                         "content_sets_source" not in image):

-                     image["content_sets"] = latest_content_sets

-                 elif image["content_sets_source"] == "child_image":

-                     if latest_content_sets:

-                         image["content_sets"] = latest_content_sets

-                 else:

-                     latest_content_sets = image["content_sets"]


-         # Temporary dict nv to replace as a key and new nv as a value.

This part about "-docker" -> "-container" is removed completely, because "-docker" suffix cannot be used for long time and all the images are already switched to "-container".

If we keep it here, it will make this change much more complex, because we will also need to handle the situation where "x-docker" and "x-container" are not treated as different parent images.

-         # This is used to replace foo-7.5-docker with foo-7.5-container.

-         nvs_to_replace = {}

-         for n, nvs in n_to_nvs.items():

-             if not n.endswith("-docker"):

-                 continue

-             new_n = n[:-len("-docker")] + "-container"

-             if new_n not in n_to_nvs:

-                 continue

-             for new_nv in n_to_nvs[new_n]:

-                 new_v = new_nv.split("-")[-1]

-                 for old_nv in nvs:

-                     old_v = old_nv.split("-")[-1]

-                     if old_v == new_v:

-                         nvs_to_replace[old_nv] = new_nv


-         # Iterate through list of NVs.

-         for nv, nvrs in nv_to_nvrs.items():

-             # We want to replace NVRs which are lower than the latest released

-             # NVR with latest released NVR. If there are some higher NVRs, we

-             # want to keep them, because we don't want to rebuild the image

-             # against older NVR than the one it is currently built against.

-             if nv in nvs_to_replace:

-                 nv_to_use = nvs_to_replace[nv]

-                 nvrs_to_use = nv_to_nvrs[new_nv]

-             else:

-                 nv_to_use = nv

-                 nvrs_to_use = nvrs

-             if nv_to_use in nv_to_latest_released_nvr:

-                 latest_released_nvr = nv_to_latest_released_nvr[nv_to_use]

-             else:

-                 latest_released_nvr = nvrs_to_use[0]

-             # The latest_released_nvr_index points to the latest released NVR

-             # in the `nvrs` list. Because `nvrs` list is desc sorted, every NVR

-             # with higher index is lower and therefore we need to replace it.

-             try:

-                 if not conf.lightblue_released_dependencies_only:

-                     latest_released_nvr_index = nvrs.index(latest_released_nvr)

+         # We need to deduplicate images in two phases:

+         #

+         # 1) "handle_parent_change" - During this phase, we find out if update

+         #    to latest image changes also the parent images.

+         #    For example, foo-1-1 can be built against x-1-1, but foo-1-2 can

+         #    be built against y-1-1. If we simply replace "foo-1-1" by "foo-1-2"

+         #    while keeping the original parent image, the "foo-1-2" will be built

+         #    against x-1-1 instead of y-1-1. This would be wrong.

+         #

+         #    To fix that, we therefore find out that the parent image changed in

+         #    the latest release of foo-1-2 and we replace also the parent images

+         #    according to latest release foo-1-2.

+         #

+         # 2) "update_to_latest". During this phase, we simply find out old releases

+         #    of images in `to_rebuild` and update them to latest released NVR.

+         for phase in ["handle_parent_change", "update_to_latest"]:

This is the for loop I've talked about above. Also, see the comment.

+             # Temporary dict mapping the NVR of image to coordinates in the

+             # `to_rebuild` list. For example

+             # nvr_to_coordinates["nvr"] = [[0, 3], ...] means that the image with

+             # nvr "nvr" is 4th image in the to_rebuild[0] list, ...

+             nvr_to_coordinates = {}

+             # Temporary dict mapping the NV to list of NVRs. The List of NVRs

+             # is always sorted descending.

+             nv_to_nvrs = {}

+             # Temporary dict mapping the NVR to image.

+             nvr_to_image = {}

+             # Temporary dict mapping NV to latest released NVR for that NV.

+             nv_to_latest_released_nvr = {}

+             # Temporary list containing names of all images to rebuild. This is

+             # later used to replace "foo-docker" with "foo-container".

+             n_to_nvs = {}


+             # Constructs the temporary dicts as desribed above.

+             for image_id, images in enumerate(to_rebuild):

+                 for parent_id, image in enumerate(images):

+                     nvr = image["brew"]["build"]

+                     parsed_nvr = koji.parse_NVR(nvr)

+                     nv = "%s-%s" % (parsed_nvr["name"], parsed_nvr["version"])

+                     if nv not in nv_to_nvrs:

+                         nv_to_nvrs[nv] = []

+                     if nvr not in nv_to_nvrs[nv]:

+                         nv_to_nvrs[nv].append(nvr)

+                     if nvr not in nvr_to_coordinates:

+                         nvr_to_coordinates[nvr] = []

+                     if parsed_nvr["name"] not in n_to_nvs:

+                         n_to_nvs[parsed_nvr["name"]] = []

+                     if nv not in n_to_nvs[parsed_nvr["name"]]:

+                         n_to_nvs[parsed_nvr["name"]].append(nv)

+                     nvr_to_coordinates[nvr].append([image_id, parent_id])

+                     nvr_to_image[nvr] = image

+                     if "latest_released" in image and image["latest_released"]:

+                         nv_to_latest_released_nvr[nv] = nvr


+             # Sort the lists in nv_to_nvrs dict.

+             for nv in nv_to_nvrs.keys():

+                 nv_to_nvrs[nv] = sorted_by_nvr(nv_to_nvrs[nv], reverse=True)


+                 # There might be container image NVRs which are not released yet,

+                 # but some released image is already built on top of them.

+                 # The issue is that such unreleased container image won't be in

+                 # its containerRepository and therefore won't have proper

+                 # content_sets set.

+                 # In this case, we copy the content_sets from the released image.

+                 # This might bring issue in case the content_sets changed

+                 # dramaticaly between released and unreleased release of such

+                 # image, but it's still the best guess we can do.

+                 # This is also used only as fallback in case "content_sets.yml"

+                 # does not exists in the dist-git repo, which should be rare

+                 # situation.

+                 latest_content_sets = []

+                 for nvr in reversed(nv_to_nvrs[nv]):

+                     image = nvr_to_image[nvr]

+                     if ("content_sets" not in image or

+                             not image["content_sets"] or

+                             "content_sets_source" not in image):

+                         image["content_sets"] = latest_content_sets

+                     elif image["content_sets_source"] == "child_image":

+                         if latest_content_sets:

+                             image["content_sets"] = latest_content_sets

+                     else:

+                         latest_content_sets = image["content_sets"]


+             # Iterate through list of NVs.

+             for nv, nvrs in nv_to_nvrs.items():

+                 # We want to replace NVRs which are lower than the latest released

+                 # NVR with latest released NVR. If there are some higher NVRs, we

+                 # want to keep them, because we don't want to rebuild the image

+                 # against older NVR than the one it is currently built against.

+                 if nv in nv_to_latest_released_nvr:

+                     latest_released_nvr = nv_to_latest_released_nvr[nv]


-                     # In case we want to use only released versions of images,

-                     # replace all the images with the latest released one.

+                     latest_released_nvr = nvrs[0]

+                 # The latest_released_nvr_index points to the latest released NVR

+                 # in the `nvrs` list. Because `nvrs` list is desc sorted, every NVR

+                 # with higher index is lower and therefore we need to replace it.

+                 try:

+                     if not conf.lightblue_released_dependencies_only:

+                         latest_released_nvr_index = nvrs.index(latest_released_nvr)

+                     else:

+                         # In case we want to use only released versions of images,

+                         # replace all the images with the latest released one.

+                         latest_released_nvr_index = -1

+                 except ValueError:

+                     # In case the latest_released_nvr is not found in the nvrs,

+                     # it means the all nvrs should be replaced by new one from

+                     # nvs_to_replace and therefore set index to -1 indicating we

+                     # want to replace everything.

                      latest_released_nvr_index = -1

-             except ValueError:

-                 # In case the latest_released_nvr is not found in the nvrs,

-                 # it means the all nvrs should be replaced by new one from

-                 # nvs_to_replace and therefore set index to -1 indicating we

-                 # want to replace everything.

-                 latest_released_nvr_index = -1

-             for nvr in nvrs[latest_released_nvr_index + 1:]:

-                 for image_id, parent_id in nvr_to_coordinates[nvr]:

-                     # At first replace the image in to_rebuid based

-                     # on the coordinates from temp dict.

-                     to_rebuild[image_id][parent_id] = nvr_to_image[latest_released_nvr]


-                     # And in case this image is not the the leaf image, also replace

-                     # the ["parent"] record for the child image to point to the image

-                     # with highest NVR.

-                     if parent_id != 0:

-                         to_rebuild[image_id][parent_id - 1]["parent"] = nvr_to_image[latest_released_nvr]

+                 if phase == "handle_parent_change":

This True branch is brand new code.

+                     # Find out the name of parent image of latest release image.

+                     latest_image = nvr_to_image[nvrs[latest_released_nvr_index]]

+                     if "parent" not in latest_image or not latest_image["parent"]:

+                         continue

+                     latest_parent_name = koji.parse_NVR(

+                         latest_image["parent"]["brew"]["build"])["name"]


+                     # Go through the older images and in case the parent image differs,

+                     # update its parents according to latest image parents.

+                     for nvr in nvrs[latest_released_nvr_index:]:

+                         image = nvr_to_image[nvr]

+                         if "parent" not in image or not image["parent"]:

+                             continue

+                         parent_name = koji.parse_NVR(image["parent"]["brew"]["build"])["name"]

+                         if parent_name != latest_parent_name:

+                             for image_id, parent_id in nvr_to_coordinates[nvr]:

+                                 latest_image_id, latest_parent_id = nvr_to_coordinates[latest_released_nvr][0]

+                                 to_rebuild[image_id][parent_id:] = to_rebuild[latest_image_id][latest_parent_id:]

+                 elif phase == "update_to_latest":

And this is what we used to have here originally before we introduced the second phase of this method.

+                     for nvr in nvrs[latest_released_nvr_index + 1:]:

+                         for image_id, parent_id in nvr_to_coordinates[nvr]:

+                             # At first replace the image in to_rebuid based

+                             # on the coordinates from temp dict.

+                             to_rebuild[image_id][parent_id] = nvr_to_image[latest_released_nvr]


+                             # And in case this image is not the the leaf image, also replace

+                             # the ["parent"] record for the child image to point to the image

+                             # with highest NVR.

+                             if parent_id != 0:

+                                 to_rebuild[image_id][parent_id - 1]["parent"] = nvr_to_image[latest_released_nvr]


          return to_rebuild


file modified
+5 -6
@@ -1916,19 +1916,19 @@ 

          expected = [[deps[3]], [deps[2]], [deps[1]], [deps[0]]]

          self.assertEqual(batches, expected)


-     def test_replace_docker_with_container(self):

+     def test_parent_changed_in_latest_release(self):

          httpd = self._create_imgs([




-             "rhel-server-docker-7.4-125",

+             "foo-7.4-125",



          perl = self._create_imgs([




-             "rhel-server-container-7.4-150",

+             "rhel-server-docker-7.4-150",



          expected_images = [
@@ -1936,17 +1936,16 @@ 




-                 "rhel-server-container-7.4-150",

+                 "foo-7.4-125",






-                 "rhel-server-container-7.4-150",

+                 "foo-7.4-125",




-         self.maxDiff = None

          ret = self.lb._deduplicate_images_to_rebuild([httpd, perl])

          self.assertEqual(ret, expected_images)


Consider following situations:

  • foo-1-1 has x-1-1 parent image.
  • foo-1-2 has y-1-1 parent image.
  • bar-1-1 has foo-1-1 parent image.

When Freshmaker generates the list of images to rebuild, the current code
does not handle the case when older foo image was built against x-1-1
and newer foo against y-1-1 well. It will generate following list:

  • bar-1-1 will be rebuilt against foo-1-2, because foo-1-2 is the latest release.
  • foo-1-2 will be rebuilt against x-1-1, because original parent ofbar-1-1wasfoo-1-1and it depended onx-1-1. This is wrong. In fact, it should be built against
    latest release of y which is y-1-1.

This PR fixes this problem by introducing another initial phase in code which
deduplicates images to rebuild.

In this phase, Freshmaker will search for cases when older image has different
parent than the newer image and if it finds such case, it will replace the
parents completely according to latest image, because we will in the end
use the latest image.

In our example, it will do following in this initial phase:

  • It finds out that foo-1-1 has different parent than foo-1-2.
  • It knows that foo-1-2 is latest, and therefore it will change the
    foo-1-1 parent of bar-1-1 to foo-1-2, include its dependency
    on y-1-1.

After this initial phase, the bar-1-1 will have foo-1-2 dependency.
This will make Freshmaker to generate proper list of images to rebuild.

This is all about indentation to put all of this into the for loop. The code did not change in this part.

This is the for loop I've talked about above. Also, see the comment.

This True branch is brand new code.

And this is what we used to have here originally before we introduced the second phase of this method.

This part about "-docker" -> "-container" is removed completely, because "-docker" suffix cannot be used for long time and all the images are already switched to "-container".

If we keep it here, it will make this change much more complex, because we will also need to handle the situation where "x-docker" and "x-container" are not treated as different parent images.

Commit d449b57 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

4 years ago