#297 Pass ODCS composes to Koji using 'compose_ids' instead of 'yum_repourls' when possible.
Merged 5 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 5 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/freshmaker compose_ids  into  master

@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ 

      def build_container(self, scm_url, branch, target,

                          repo_urls=None, isolated=False,

                          release=None, koji_parent_build=None,

-                         arch_override=None):

+                         arch_override=None, compose_ids=None):


          Build a container in Koji.

@@ -408,8 +408,9 @@ 

                  profile=conf.koji_profile, logger=log,

                  dry_run=self.dry_run) as service:

              log.info('Building container from source: %s, '

-                      'release=%r, parent=%r, target=%r, arch=%r',

-                      scm_url, release, koji_parent_build, target, arch_override)

+                      'release=%r, parent=%r, target=%r, arch=%r, compose_ids=%r',

+                      scm_url, release, koji_parent_build, target, arch_override,

+                      compose_ids)


              return service.build_container(scm_url,

@@ -465,10 +466,24 @@ 


          release = parse_NVR(build.rebuilt_nvr)["release"]


+         # OSBS cannot handle both repo_urls and compose_ids in the same time.

+         # We use repo_urls only in special cases to build base images. In this

+         # cases, we want to convert compose_ids to repository URLs. Otherwise,

+         # just pass compose_ids to OSBS via Koji.

+         compose_ids = []

+         if repo_urls:

+             repo_urls += [self.odcs_get_compose(

+                 rel.compose.odcs_compose_id)['result_repofile']

+                 for rel in build.composes]

+         else:

+             compose_ids = []

+             for relation in build.composes:

+                 compose_ids.append(relation.compose.odcs_compose_id)


          return self.build_container(

              scm_url, branch, target, repo_urls=repo_urls,

              isolated=True, release=release, koji_parent_build=parent,

-             arch_override=arches)

+             arch_override=arches, compose_ids=compose_ids)


      def odcs_get_compose(self, compose_id):

@@ -499,16 +514,12 @@ 


          repo_urls = []


-         # At first include image_extra_repos if any for this name-version.

+         # Include image_extra_repos if any for this name-version.

          if build.original_nvr:

              parsed_nvr = parse_NVR(build.original_nvr)

              name_version = "%s-%s" % (parsed_nvr["name"], parsed_nvr["version"])

              if name_version in conf.image_extra_repo:



-         repo_urls += [self.odcs_get_compose(rel.compose.odcs_compose_id)['result_repofile']

-                       for rel in build.composes]


          return repo_urls


      def start_to_build_images(self, builds):

file modified
+3 -1
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ 

      def build_container(self, source_url, branch, target,

                          scratch=None, repo_urls=None, isolated=False,

                          release=None, koji_parent_build=None,

-                         arch_override=None):

+                         arch_override=None, compose_ids=None):

          """Build container by buildContainer"""


          build_target = target
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ 


          if repo_urls:

              build_opts['yum_repourls'] = repo_urls

+         if compose_ids:

+             build_opts['compose_ids'] = compose_ids

          if isolated:

              build_opts['isolated'] = True

          if koji_parent_build:

file modified
+40 -9
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ 

  # Written by Chenxiong Qi <cqi@redhat.com>


  from mock import patch

+ import json


  import freshmaker

@@ -111,12 +112,24 @@ 




+         build_args = {}

+         build_args["repository"] = "repo"

+         build_args["commit"] = "hash"

+         build_args["parent"] = None

+         build_args["target"] = "target"

+         build_args["branch"] = "branch"

+         build_args["arches"] = "x86_64"


          self.build_1 = ArtifactBuild.create(

              db.session, self.event, 'build-1', ArtifactType.IMAGE,


+         self.build_1.rebuilt_nvr = "foo-1-2"

+         self.build_1.build_args = json.dumps(build_args)

          self.build_2 = ArtifactBuild.create(

              db.session, self.event, 'build-2', ArtifactType.IMAGE,


+         self.build_2.rebuilt_nvr = "foo-2-2"

+         self.build_2.build_args = json.dumps(build_args)



@@ -154,17 +167,10 @@ 

          repos = handler.get_repo_urls(self.build_2)

          self.assertEqual(repos, [])


-     def test_get_repo_urls_both_pulp_and_main_compose(self):

+     def test_get_repo_urls_only_odcs_composes(self):

          handler = MyHandler()

          repos = handler.get_repo_urls(self.build_1)

-         self.assertEqual(

-             [

-                 'http://localhost/5.repo',

-                 'http://localhost/6.repo',

-                 'http://localhost/7.repo',

-                 'http://localhost/8.repo',

-             ],

-             sorted(repos))

+         self.assertEqual(repos, [])


      @patch.object(freshmaker.conf, 'image_extra_repo', new={

          'build-3': "http://localhost/test.repo"
@@ -178,6 +184,31 @@ 

          repos = handler.get_repo_urls(build_3)

          self.assertEqual(repos, ["http://localhost/test.repo"])


+     @patch("freshmaker.handlers.ContainerBuildHandler.build_container")

+     def test_build_image_artifact_build_only_odcs_composes(

+             self, build_container):

+         handler = MyHandler()

+         handler.build_image_artifact_build(self.build_1)

+         build_container.assert_called_once_with(

+             'git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo#hash', 'branch', 'target',

+             arch_override='x86_64', compose_ids=[5, 6, 7, 8], isolated=True,

+             koji_parent_build=None, release='2', repo_urls=[])


+     @patch("freshmaker.handlers.ContainerBuildHandler.build_container")

+     def test_build_image_artifact_build_repo_urls(

+             self, build_container):

+         handler = MyHandler()

+         handler.build_image_artifact_build(self.build_1, ["http://localhost/x.repo"])


+         repo_urls = [

+             'http://localhost/x.repo', 'http://localhost/5.repo',

+             'http://localhost/6.repo', 'http://localhost/7.repo',

+             'http://localhost/8.repo']

+         build_container.assert_called_once_with(

+             'git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo#hash', 'branch', 'target',

+             arch_override='x86_64', compose_ids=[], isolated=True,

+             koji_parent_build=None, release='2', repo_urls=repo_urls)



  class TestAllowBuildBasedOnWhitelist(helpers.FreshmakerTestCase):

      """Test BaseHandler.allow_build"""

This allows us to pass expired ODCS compose IDs directly to Koji/OSBS which will renew them automatically for us. This wouldn't be possible with yum_repourls.

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

5 years ago