#227 Botas needs list of advisory responsible for rebuild triggering
Closed 5 years ago Opened 6 years ago by mcurlej.

Hi All,

as we discussed with @jkaluza that botas would need a list of all the advisory ids which where responsible for the triggering the rebuild of images. As this is not available right now in freshmaker this issue is just a remainder that we need this in the future so we don't forget.

cc @ralph @sochotni @fivaldi

Hmm, technically you'll have the 1 advisory ID as "search_key" in the /events/ API though you are right - there could be multiple rolled up advisories there

I have the advisory id in search_key, in case of multiple advisories, the events will be depending on each other and this will be expressed in the API, but there cannot be multiple advisories in single event currently :).

Metadata Update from @ralph:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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