#9522 Nightly test failure (rawhide) in test_external_idp
Closed: fixed a year ago by frenaud. Opened a year ago by frenaud.

The nightly test test_external_idp is faliing in rawhide, see PR #3345 with the following logs and report:

self = <ipatests.test_integration.test_idp.TestIDPKeycloak object at 0x7f69a269ccb0>

    def test_auth_sudo_idp(self):
        Test case to check that sudorule is working as
        expected for user configured with external idp.
        #  rule: keycloakuser are allowed to execute yum on
        #  the client machine as root.
        cmdlist = [
            ["ipa", "sudocmd-add", "/usr/bin/yum"],
            ["ipa", "sudorule-add", "sudorule"],
            ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-user', '--users=keycloakuser',
            ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-host', '--hosts',
             self.client.hostname, 'sudorule'],
            ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-runasuser',
             '--users=root', 'sudorule'],
            ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-allow-command',
             '--sudocmds=/usr/bin/yum', 'sudorule'],
            ['ipa', 'sudorule-show', 'sudorule', '--all'],
            ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-option',
             'sudorule', '--sudooption', "!authenticate"]
        for cmd in cmdlist:
            cmd = 'sudo -ll -U keycloakuser'
            test = self.client.run_command(cmd).stdout_text
            assert "User keycloakuser may run the following commands" in test
            assert "/usr/bin/yum" in test
            kinit_idp(self.client, 'keycloakuser', self.client)
            test_sudo = 'su -c "sudo yum list wget" keycloakuser'
>           self.client.run_command(test_sudo)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.host.Host replica0.ipa.test (replica)>
argv = 'su -c "sudo yum list wget" keycloakuser', set_env = True
stdin_text = None, log_stdout = True, raiseonerr = True, cwd = None, bg = False
encoding = 'utf-8', ok_returncode = 0

    def run_command(self, argv, set_env=True, stdin_text=None,
                    log_stdout=True, raiseonerr=True,
                    cwd=None, bg=False, encoding='utf-8', ok_returncode=0):
        """Wrapper around run_command to log stderr on raiseonerr=True

        :param ok_returncode: return code considered to be correct,
                              you can pass an integer or sequence of integers
        result = super().run_command(
            argv, set_env=set_env, stdin_text=stdin_text,
            log_stdout=log_stdout, raiseonerr=False, cwd=cwd, bg=bg,
        # in FIPS mode SSH may print noise to stderr, remove the string
        # "FIPS mode initialized" + optional newline.
        result.stderr_bytes = FIPS_NOISE_RE.sub(b'', result.stderr_bytes)
            result_ok = result.returncode in ok_returncode
        except TypeError:
            result_ok = result.returncode == ok_returncode
        if not result_ok and raiseonerr:
            result.log.error('stderr: %s', result.stderr_text)
>           raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
                result.returncode, argv,
                result.stdout_text, result.stderr_text
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'su -c "sudo yum list wget" keycloakuser' returned non-zero exit status 1.

pytest_ipa/integration/host.py:202: CalledProcessError

----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
ipa: ERROR: stderr: Error: No matching Packages to list

The test iis checking the sudo command by calling yum list wget but on rawhide the wget package has been removed and replaced by wget2. This is explained in Fedora 40 changeset:

 Wget2 as wget

Replace wget with wget2 (a modern implementation of wget intended to replace wget 1.x) as the provider of wget. 

Tracking bug #2254790

The test code needs to be adapted, for instance by calling yum list on a package present in all versions.

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Custom field on_review adjusted to https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/7191

a year ago


  • 9c470d1 ipatests: test_idp fails calling yum list wget


  • 1402b22 ipatests: test_idp fails calling yum list wget

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Issue close_status updated to: fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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