A new change included code that called "del os.environ['KRB5CCNAME']" where there was no such value in the environment. This caused an unnecessary installation failure.
commit https://pagure.io/freeipa/c/f248b22ef4d98293224b49576f5e6a1b8d672d76 addressed this issue by using pop instead.
There are other occurrences of this code style spread around various utilities. While it may be fair to assume that a given environment variable will always be present, using pop should be a safer route.
We should find and replace them. From a quick search there are only a few.
$ git grep "del os.environ" install/certmonger/dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit.in: del os.environ['CERTMONGER_CA_PROFILE'] ipaclient/install/ipa_certupdate.py: del os.env iron['KRB5CCNAME'] ipaserver/install/server/upgrade.py: del os.environ ['KRB5CCNAME'] ipatests/test_ipaserver/test_ipap11helper.py: del o s.environ['SOFTHSM2_CONF']
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