#9291 Nightly test failure (rawhide) in test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check
Closed: fixed 2 years ago by frenaud. Opened 2 years ago by frenaud.


The nightly test test_integration/test_ipahealthcheck.py::TestIpaHealthCheckWithoutDNS::test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check is failing on rawhide, see for instance PR #2248 with the following logs and report:

self = <ipatests.test_integration.test_ipahealthcheck.TestIpaHealthCheckWithoutDNS object at 0x7f132429c0d0>

    def test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check(self):
        Test checks the result of IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck
        when ipa-server is configured without DNS.
        expected_msgs = {
            "Expected SRV record missing",
            "Got {count} ipa-ca A records, expected {expected}",
            "Got {count} ipa-ca AAAA records, expected {expected}",
            "Expected URI record missing",

        tasks.install_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
        returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
        assert returncode == 1
        for check in data:
            assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
>           assert check["kw"]["msg"] in expected_msgs
E           AssertionError: assert 'expected ipa-ca to contain {ipaddr} for {server}' in {'Expected SRV record missing', 'Expected URI record missing', 'Got {count} ipa-ca A records, expected {expected}', 'Got {count} ipa-ca AAAA records, expected {expected}'}

Test scenario:
- install ipa server without DNS
- launch ipa-healthcheck --source ipahealthcheck.ipa.idns --check IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck

The test expects a WARNING related to ipa-ca records.

The reported WARNING has a different message.
With freeipa-healthcheck-0.11-5.fc37.noarch:

    "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.idns",
    "check": "IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck",
    "result": "WARNING",
    "uuid": "56ba3fa4-89d1-4c7e-b748-eee19dc1a111",
    "when": "20221126153845Z",
    "duration": "0.202203",
    "kw": {
      "key": "ca_count_a_rec",
      "msg": "Got {count} ipa-ca A records, expected {expected}",
      "count": 0,
      "expected": 1

With freeipa-healthcheck-0.12-1.fc38.noarch:

    "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.idns",
    "check": "IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck",
    "result": "WARNING",
    "uuid": "9e7e99a8-f4b8-4d50-a1d1-02de0f8cbdd6",
    "when": "20221204161002Z",
    "duration": "0.216402",
    "kw": {
      "key": "ipa_ca_missing_master.ipa.test",
      "server": "master.ipa.test",
      "ipaddr": "",
      "msg": "expected ipa-ca to contain {ipaddr} for {server}"

The test needs to be adapted in order to be compatible with both versions of freeipa-healthcheck.

The test test_ipahealthcheck.py::TestIpaHealthCheck::test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check is also failing: PR #2275, logs, report:

self = <ipatests.test_integration.test_ipahealthcheck.TestIpaHealthCheck object at 0x7f8b84fb7c90>

    def test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check(self):
        This test ensures that the ipahealthcheck.ipa.idns check
        displays the correct result when master and replica is setup
        with integrated DNS.
        SYSTEM_RECORDS = [
            for h in [self.master, self.replicas[0]]
            for rr in [
                # SRV rrs
                # URI rrs
            + [str(ip) for ip in resolve_ip_addresses_nss(h.external_hostname)]

        returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
        assert returncode == 0
        for check in data:
            assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
>           assert check["kw"]["key"] in SYSTEM_RECORDS
E           AssertionError: assert 'ipa_ca_check' in ['_ldap._tcp.ipa.test.:master.ipa.test.', '_kerberos._tcp.ipa.test.:master.ipa.test.', '_kerberos._udp.ipa.test.:master.ipa.test.', '_kerberos-master._tcp.ipa.test.:master.ipa.test.', '_kerberos-master._udp.ipa.test.:master.ipa.test.', '_kpasswd._tcp.ipa.test.:master.ipa.test.', ...]

The expected SYSTEM_RECORDS should also contain the ipa-ca records.

Metadata Update from @amore:
- Issue assigned to mbhalodi

2 years ago

These failures were being seen in an unrelated healthcheck PR that ran these classes. This should fix it up https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/6646

@rcritten The issue says that it's failing on rawhide, so by looking into your PR, I believe fedore-rawhide should be there instead of fedora-latest in temp_commit.yaml file. isn't it so?

@mbhalodi the issue is also seen in fedora 37, see nightly PR #2401. When the problem was first reported, rawhide was the only Fedora version with ipa-healthcheck 0.12 but this version also reached f37 a bit later.

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Custom field on_review adjusted to https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/6646
- Issue assigned to rcritten (was: mbhalodi)

2 years ago


  • bf9797f tests: Add ipa_ca_name checking to DNS system records
  • 6897ad9 tests: Add new ipa-ca error messages to IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck


  • ff31b0c tests: Add ipa_ca_name checking to DNS system records
  • 6ca1196 tests: Add new ipa-ca error messages to IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck


  • 0231ea8 tests: Add ipa_ca_name checking to DNS system records
  • f28cb79 tests: Add new ipa-ca error messages to IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Issue close_status updated to: fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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