#9264 Nightly failure in test_integration/test_sso.py::TestSsoBridge::test_ipa_login_with_sso_user
Opened 2 years ago by amore. Modified 2 years ago

The nightly test test_ipa_login_with_sso_user is failing in testing_master_testing_selinux, see PR #2144 with the following logs
and report:

The test is failing for creating user on keycloak server with:

DEBUG    ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.host.Host.replica1.cmd128:transport.py:513 RUN ['/opt/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh', 'create', 'users', '-r', 'master', '-s', 'username=kcuser1', '-s', 'email=kcuser1@ipa.test', '-s', 'enabled=true']
DEBUG    ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.host.Host.replica1.cmd128:transport.py:557 null [unknown_error]
DEBUG    ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.host.Host.replica1.cmd128:transport.py:217 Exit code: 1
ERROR    ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration.host.Host.replica1.cmd128:host.py:201 stderr: null [unknown_error]

Metadata Update from @amore:
- Issue tagged with: test-failure, tests

2 years ago

@spoore Could you please look into this ?

I looked into this issue last week and it's related to a SCIMv2 server crash that is being investigated. Usually after the first user logs into Keycloak, the bridge server crashes. We don't see an issue though until a user operation is run on Keycloak.


  • c62e5d7 ipatests: xfail test_ipa_login_with_sso_user


  • 10604ea ipatests: xfail test_ipa_login_with_sso_user

With the new f36 vagrant image, the test is also failing on f36, the xfail annotation needs to be extended to this version also. See PR #2220 with the following report


  • 6f3721a ipatests: xfail on all fedora for test_ipa_login_with_sso_user


  • 9599e97 ipatests: xfail on all fedora for test_ipa_login_with_sso_user

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