#8911 Nightly test failure in pki-fedora/test_webui_cert.
Closed: fixed 2 years ago by frenaud. Opened 3 years ago by amore.

The nightly test test_webui/test_cert.py::test_cert::test_search_valid_not_before_to is failing in [testing_master_pki], see for instance PR #1020 with the following report

Metadata Update from @amore:
- Issue tagged with: test-failure, tests

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Issue tagged with: webui

3 years ago

Failure observed in [testing_master_pki] Nightly PR #1035 , report

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Issue assigned to frenaud

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Custom field on_review adjusted to https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/5895

2 years ago


  • 4bd1d15 webui tests: close notification when revoking cert


  • 40e4ccf webui tests: close notification when revoking cert

Metadata Update from @frenaud:
- Issue close_status updated to: fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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