#8641 Random failure in test_webui/test_user.py::TestLifeCycles::test_life_cycles
Closed: fixed 3 years ago by mpolovka. Opened 3 years ago by frenaud.

The nightly test test_webui/test_user.py::TestLifeCycles::test_life_cycles randomly fails, see for instance PR #622 with the following logs and report:

self = <ipatests.test_webui.test_user.TestLifeCycles object at 0x7facc9b703a0>

    def test_life_cycles(self):
        Test user life-cycles


        # create "itest-user" and send him to preserved
        self.add_record(user.ENTITY, user.DATA)
        self.delete_record(user.PKEY, confirm_btn=None)
        self.check_option('preserve', value='true')
>       self.assert_notification(assert_text='1 item(s) deleted')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ipatests.test_webui.test_user.TestLifeCycles object at 0x7facc9b703a0>
type = 'success', assert_text = '1 item(s) deleted'

    def assert_notification(self, type='success', assert_text=None):
        Assert whether we have a notification of particular type

        type: type for assertion
        assert_text: assert particular text when True

        Returns True if selector/text found

        notification_type = 'div.notification-area .alert-{}'.format(type)
        # wait for a half sec for notification to appear
        is_present = self.find(notification_type, By.CSS_SELECTOR)
        assert is_present, "Notification not present"
        if assert_text:
>           assert assert_text in is_present.text
E           AssertionError

test_webui/ui_driver.py:2330: AssertionError

Test scenario:
add a user, delete the user with --preserve, ensure that a notification "1 item(s) deleted" is displayed in the notification area.

The test fails even though the screenshot shows the notification (see http://freeipa-org-pr-ci.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/jobs/f5a469b4-4c90-11eb-b665-fa163e03e1e5/2021-01-02T01:04:51.942512_TestLifeCycles_test_life_cycles.png).
In the screenshot we can see 2 notifications:
- User successfully added
- 1item(s) deleted

Need to check if the test is reading the most recent notification or the first one.

I think that Flo's hypothesis is sound. Seeing the code, assert_notification is not written in a way to work correctly with 2 notifications present of the same type if we want to check the text.

It might be more correct to find all the notification of the type and interate through them if any of them contains the desired text.

Btw to get all the change is something like:

self.find(notification_type, By.CSS_SELECTOR, many=True)

Metadata Update from @mpolovka:
- Issue assigned to mpolovka

3 years ago

Also happened in PR #725 - [testing_master_latest] on fedora33 with the same symptom (screeenshot shows 2 notifications).


  • 180af78 WebUI: Handle assertion if multiple notifications are present

Metadata Update from @mpolovka:
- Custom field affects_doc adjusted to on
- Custom field knownissue adjusted to on
- Issue close_status updated to: fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago


  • 90caf5c WebUI: Handle assertion if multiple notifications are present


  • bd2a14a WebUI: Handle assertion if multiple notifications are present

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