#7229 [RFE] Interactive topologysegment-reinitialize doesn't prompt for direction
Opened 6 years ago by rcritten. Modified 5 years ago

Interactive mode doesn't prompt for left/right when reinitializing a topology segment:

# ipa topologysegment-reinitialize
Suffix name: domain
Segment name: master.example.com-to-replica1.example.com
ipa: ERROR: left or right node has to be specified

IPA master build from Oct 30, 2017.

I'd consider this an UX enhancement.

Default behavior of interactive prompt might not be the best here. In reinitialization it is not straightforward which node is reinitialized, i.e. which is left or right. So the prompt could be more verbose. Also the entire command might benefit from some confirmation because reinitialization is quite invasive operation.

So the complexity of ticket depends on the UX workflow.

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