#6963 ipa certmaprule change not reflected in krb5kdc workers
Closed: fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by pvoborni.

Ticket was cloned from Red Hat Bugzilla (product Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7): Bug 1452763

Description of problem:

While testing Smart Cards on an IPA client with PKINIT enabled in IPA, I
noticed intermittent failures.  The certificate maps properly to the user but,
the KDC on IPA would sometimes seem to try to match to the previous rule.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1.  IPA Server installed with PKINIT support
2.  IPA Client setup with Smart Card
3.  Cert generated on IPA server and added to card
4.  created one certmaprule and tested client
5.  deleted rule and added new rule
6.  tested authentication which should use the new rule

Actual results:
authentication would fail at times.  work others.

Expected results:
always work.

Additional info:

FYI, rules used when I saw the error:

ipa certmaprule-add ipaadcs12r2_defaultrule --maprule='(|(userCertificate;binar
d_x500}))' --matchrule='<ISSUER>CN=Certificate Authority,O=TESTRELM.TEST'
--domain=ipaadcs12r2.test --domain=testrelm.test

ipa certmaprule-del ipaadcs12r2_ipacertrule

ipa certmaprule-add testrealm_defaultrule --maprule='(|(userCertificate;binary=
))' --matchrule='<ISSUER>CN=Certificate Authority,O=TESTRELM.TEST'

This rule change seems to have happened between when the kdc workers loaded the

[Wed May 17 17:06:43.623274 2017] [:error] [pid 8318] ipa: INFO:
[jsonserver_session] admin@TESTRELM.TEST:
certmaprule_add/1(u'ipaadcs12r2_defaultrule', ipacertmapmaprule=u'(|(userCertif
ubject_dn!ad_x500}))', ipacertmapmatchrule=u'<ISSUER>CN=Certificate
Authority,O=TESTRELM.TEST', associateddomain=(<DNS name ipaadcs12r2.test>, <DNS
name testrelm.test>), version=u'2.224'): SUCCESS

[Thu May 18 14:43:51.148965 2017] [:error] [pid 8319] ipa: INFO:
[jsonserver_session] admin@TESTRELM.TEST:
certmaprule_del/1([u'ipaadcs12r2_defaultrule'], version=u'2.224'): SUCCESS

[Thu May 18 14:44:30.060976 2017] [:error] [pid 8318] ipa: INFO:
[jsonserver_session] admin@TESTRELM.TEST:
certmaprule_add/1(u'testrealm_defaultrule', ipacertmapmaprule=u'(|(userCertific
n!nss_x500}))', ipacertmapmatchrule=u'<ISSUER>CN=Certificate
Authority,O=TESTRELM.TEST', associateddomain=(<DNS name testrelm.test>,),
version=u'2.224'): SUCCESS

######## Example krb5kdc.log entries showing failure and success

May 18 17:26:08 auto-hv-02-guest08.testrelm.test krb5kdc[8259](info): Got cert
filter [(|(userCertificate;binary=\30\82\04\0d...
May 18 17:26:08 auto-hv-02-guest08.testrelm.test krb5kdc[8259](info): No
matching entry found

May 18 17:41:02 auto-hv-02-guest08.testrelm.test krb5kdc[8260](info): Got cert
filter [(|(userCertificate;binary=\30\82\04\0d...
May 18 17:41:02 auto-hv-02-guest08.testrelm.test krb5kdc[8260](info): AS_REQ (8
etypes {18 17 20 19 16 23 25 26}) <CLIENT_IP>: ISSUE: authtime 1495143662,
etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, demosc1@TESTRELM.TEST for

Metadata Update from @pvoborni:
- Custom field rhbz adjusted to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1452763

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @pvoborni:
- Custom field rhbz adjusted to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1452763

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @sbose:
- Issue assigned to sbose

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @pvoborni:
- Issue priority set to: critical
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.5.2

7 years ago


  • e8aed25 ipa-kdb: reload certificate mapping rules periodically


  • d59694a ipa-kdb: reload certificate mapping rules periodically

Metadata Update from @mbasti:
- Issue close_status updated to: fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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