Ticket was cloned from Red Hat Bugzilla (product Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7): Bug 1442427
Description of problem: ipa-server-install displays "ipa.ipaserver.install.plugins.adtrust.update_tdo_gidnumber: ERROR Default SMB Group not found" Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): ipa-server-4.5.0-6.el7.x86_64 389-ds-base- How reproducible:Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install IPA-server on RHEL7.4 with SELINUX in permissive mode. 2. Check the message displayed on the console. 3. Run ipa-server-upgrade. 4. Check message displayed on the console. Actual results: 2. Below is the message displayed on the console. Upgrading IPA:. Estimated time: 1 minute 30 seconds [1/9]: stopping directory server [2/9]: saving configuration [3/9]: disabling listeners [4/9]: enabling DS global lock [5/9]: starting directory server [6/9]: upgrading server ipa.ipaserver.install.plugins.adtrust.update_tdo_gidnumber: ERROR Default SMB Group not found [7/9]: stopping directory server [8/9]: restoring configuration [9/9]: starting directory server 4. Below is the message displayed on the console. [root@master quickinstall]# ipa-server-upgrade Upgrading IPA:. Estimated time: 1 minute 30 seconds [1/10]: stopping directory server [2/10]: saving configuration [3/10]: disabling listeners [4/10]: enabling DS global lock [5/10]: starting directory server [6/10]: updating schema [7/10]: upgrading server Default SMB Group not found [8/10]: stopping directory server Expected results: Need to fix the issue seen during installation and ipa-server-upgrade. Additional info: Attaching the ipa-server install/upgrade log
Metadata Update from @pvoborni: - Custom field rhbz adjusted to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1442427
Metadata Update from @pvoborni: - Issue priority set to: critical
Metadata Update from @frenaud: - Issue assigned to frenaud
Metadata Update from @frenaud: - Custom field on_review adjusted to https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/724
Metadata Update from @mbasti: - Issue close_status updated to: fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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