#6455 Add example of RDN order for ipa-server-install --subject
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by cheimes.

The --subject argument of ipa-server-install takes RDN in LDAP order ('OU=freeipa, C=US'), not in X.509 order as used by browsers ('C=US, OU=freeipa'). The unexpected order can cause some confusion and break an installation. ipa-server-install --help should mention the order:

The certificate subject base (default O=<realm-name>). RDNs are in LDAP order (e.g. 'O=REALM, OU=freeipa, C=US').


  • 3f56609 Indicate that ca subject / subject base uses LDAP RDN order

Metadata Update from @cheimes:
- Issue assigned to ftweedal
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.5

7 years ago

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