#6144 RPC code should be agnostic to display layer
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by pvomacka.

rpc class could use Evented mixin and have:
4 local events: start, end, success, error
2 global topics: rpc-start, rpc-end

Global topics would replace current IPA.hide_activity_icon(); and

'start' and 'end' local listeners would call custom functions in situations when global activity widget is not shown.

'success' and 'error' would call on_success or on_error methods.


  • 5a950ae Refactoring of rpc module
  • be7865b Change activity text while loading metadata

Metadata Update from @pvomacka:
- Issue assigned to pvomacka
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.5

7 years ago

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