#5866 [RFE] Create guidance how to setup/migrate IPA that contains big amount of data
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by mbasti.

As noted in Performance Improvements Bugzilla, FreeIPA 4.4 does several improvements in the performance improvements in 4.4, including provisioning.

For provisioning in large environments, there are still known bottlenecks that slow down the whole migration (especially the MemberOf plugin).

For FreeIPA 4.4 release, we need a clear upstream procedure that would provide good and clear instructions for admins migrating large environments to FreeIPA.

The HowTo page should mention

  • 389-ds-base: recommended size of caches and other internals
  • migrate - which plugins should be temporarily disabled (as mentioned above)
  • adding big data using LDIF directly

Test coverage: no
Review of doc: yes

Removing QA notes from release notes

Ticket #5936 was closed as duplicate to this request.

Is this task finished? Or do we plan to add something more to the design page?

It requires some cleanup around http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Performance_Improvements#Proposed_improvements
But the basics are fully described. Currently working on an article for V4.4 provisioning/migration.

4.4.0 was released, moving open tickets to 4.4.1

Moving back to 4.4 where it was practically finished.

Metadata Update from @mbasti:
- Issue assigned to tbordaz
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.4

7 years ago

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