ipa cert-request command has the --request-type option, which defaults to "pkcs10". However, the cert-request routine needs the request to be a PKCS #10 object, rendering the option useless.
ipa cert-request
Proposed fix: until such time as other formats are actually supported, remove the option. We probably need to keep the argument for backwards compatibility but it should at least be hidden from the CLI.
This ticket is out of scope of 4.4.0 release. Moving to 4.4.1. Note that 4.4.1 needs to be triaged, therefore not everything will be implemented.
moving out tickets not implemented in 4.4.1
4.4.2 is a stabilization milestone. If this bug is important stabilization bug then please put it to NEEDS TRIAGE milestone for retriage.
Metadata Update from @ftweedal: - Issue assigned to akasurde - Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.5 backlog
During discussion in PR https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/480 has been decided to remove option from CLI completely as it does nothing
Metadata Update from @mbasti: - Issue close_status updated to: None
Metadata Update from @mbasti: - Issue close_status updated to: fixed - Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.5.1 (was: FreeIPA 4.5 backlog) - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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