#5649 webui: topology graph: switch to "static" mode after initial layout
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by pvoborni.

Topology graph uses d3 force layout.

Currently, nodes in the layout doesn't have static position set by default (could be switch to static mode by double-click).

Issue is that with each refresh position of nodes changes and therefore it is hard to maintain a mental picture of the topology. Workaround is to set static position of each node individually. It's cumbersome for higher numbers of nodes.

Proposal: in first view/load let the simulation proceed for several seconds so that nodes can find new position, then switch all nodes to static mode. Do the same for new nodes (e.g. after adding new replica).


  • 1cc582e Nodes stay fixed after initial animation.


  • 790953d Nodes stay fixed after initial animation.

Metadata Update from @pvoborni:
- Issue assigned to pvomacka
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.3.1

7 years ago

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