#4227 ipa error, otp token uniqueid changes after every otptoken-mod
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by amisnyov.

After changing an attribute of an otp token, it generates a new unique id for it. It is not a good idea IMO to change any primary key.

[amisnyov@vm-036 freeipa-master]$ ipa otptoken-mod fdf2f268-066b-4613-a2ff-6eb357f1e2ab --owner=ifudhiufda                                                                                                      
Modified OTP token "fdf2f268-066b-4613-a2ff-6eb357f1e2ab"
  Unique ID: e79a94b6-f269-4e70-9a04-3ceb44d22ef0
  Description: fga
  Owner: ifudhiufda
  Disabled state: FALSE
  Validity start: 20130101000000Z
  Validity end: 20120101000000Z
  Vendor: FreeIPA
  Model: totp
[amisnyov@vm-036 freeipa-master]$ ipa otptoken-show fdf2f268-066b-4613-a2ff-6eb357f1e2ab
ipa: ERROR: fdf2f268-066b-4613-a2ff-6eb357f1e2ab: OTP token not found

This ticket is not complete yet, moving to next month milestone.

Is this still happening for you?

I am not able to reproduce this:

$ ipa user-find --whoami
1 user matched
  User login: admin
  Last name: Administrator
  Home directory: /home/admin
  Login shell: /bin/bash
  UID: 1851800000
  GID: 1851800000
  Account disabled: False
  Password: True
  Kerberos keys available: True
Number of entries returned 1

$ ipa otptoken-add
Added OTP token ""
  Unique ID: 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0
  Owner: admin
  Vendor: FreeIPA
  Model: totp
  Serial: 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0
  URI: otpauth://totp/admin@EXAMPLE.COM:0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0?digits=6&secret=VONNZ3IXXGK2MSX4&period=30&algorithm=sha1&issuer=admin%40EXAMPLE.COM

$ ipa otptoken-mod 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0 --owner=ifudhiufda
Modified OTP token "0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0"
  Unique ID: 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0
  Owner: ifudhiufda
  Vendor: FreeIPA
  Model: totp
  Serial: 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0

$ ipa otptoken-show 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0
  Unique ID: 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0
  Owner: ifudhiufda
  Vendor: FreeIPA
  Model: totp
  Serial: 0225e64b-a487-424e-afd9-efaa825b49a0


  • 5afa3c1 Only specify the ipatokenuniqueid default in the add operation

Metadata Update from @amisnyov:
- Issue assigned to npmccallum
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.0 - 2014/04

7 years ago

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