#414 ipa-nis-manage gives ambiguous messages when enable and disable are run.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by rcritten.


  1. get a correct admin ticket
  2. ipa-nis-manage -y <password file> enable
  3. ipa-nis-manage -y <password file> disable
  4. ipa-nis-manage -y <password file> disable

    [root@ipaqa64vma ~]# ipa-nis-manage -y /dev/shm/password enable
    Plugin already Enabled
    [root@ipaqa64vma ~]# ipa-nis-manage -y /dev/shm/password disable
    Plugin is already disabled
    [root@ipaqa64vma ~]# ipa-nis-manage -y /dev/shm/password disable
    Plugin is already disabled

I was unable to duplicate the reported problem because ipa-nis-manage wasn't working at all. It was throwing a NotFound error. The reason for this was a function signature change that was causing normalize=False to get lost in the shuffle. This meant that we automatically added the basedn to the DN we were looking for and since that was in cn=config a NotFound was thrown.

I can now enable/disable as one would expect.

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue assigned to rcritten
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.0 - 2010/11

7 years ago

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