#4129 [RFE] Smarter UI for batch actions
Opened 10 years ago by pvoborni. Modified 7 years ago

UI in search facets for batch actions such as 'enable', 'disable' could be improved. Mechanism for enabling an action button can be based also on item state. User can be told what item's are not suitable for the action.

this ticket is motivated by: http://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-devel/2014-January/msg00237.html

From the discussion:

We must take into considerations facts as follows:

  • button which executes the action is enabled/disabled based on user selection
  • user can select multiple items
  • some of those items are suitable for the action (e.g., disabled items for enable action), some not (disabled for disable).
  • backend will tell us what succeeded and what not

Current behavior:

  • action button is enabled when user selects any item
  • after action execution, user is told, if some or all items were not suitable (the action was not performed for them).

If server behaves correctly this UI behavior should not cause any harm.

Some possible enhancements are:
1. Do not enable action button if all selected items are not suitable for the action. If some are suitable, continue with current behavior

  1. If some of selected items are not suitable, show a warning dialog which will list items for which the action will be executed and items for which it won't be. After confirmation, request will be sent only with suitable items.

  2. Do not enable action button if some selected item is not suitable.

Purpose of this ticket is to implement #1 and #2.

Metadata Update from @pvoborni:
- Issue assigned to someone
- Issue set to the milestone: Future Releases

7 years ago

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