#400 Create a writeup about the DNS installation and configuration
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by dpal.

From: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=644686

Installing on a host configured in another DNS domain:

"I need to move ipaqa64vma.testrelm to be the first entry in /etc/hosts, and I
needed to set the hostname to ipaqa64vma.testrelm."

The DNS problems reported seem to have been resolved by proper use of the hostname provided to the installer.

The bottom line is that the machine needs to know who it is via /etc/hosts.


I forwarded this to Michael Gregg.

Metadata Update from @dpal:
- Issue assigned to rcritten
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.0 - 2010/11

7 years ago

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