#3734 [RFE] Restore procedure should check if certs are expired
Opened 10 years ago by mkosek. Modified 7 years ago

The following scenario is currently not covered:

  1. We have a fully working system
  2. System is backed up
  3. Certs expire and get rotated
  4. System dies
  5. Restore is attempted

Files will be restored, but the certificates will still be expired and the system will likely not even start. During restore procedure, we should detect this situation and provide user with a manual procedure how to amend it:

  1. Move system time back before expiration
  2. Trigger cert renewal, probably via certmonger restart
  3. Test the outcome

This procedure should be tested first so than we give the right instructions.

Metadata Update from @mkosek:
- Issue assigned to someone
- Issue set to the milestone: Ticket Backlog

7 years ago

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