#3456 [RFE] Add warning about dropped CSV support
Closed: Invalid None Opened 11 years ago by pviktori.

We dropped CSV support in #3352. It would be nice to additionally warn users if they use the old syntax.

A message like the following:

$ ipa permission-add some-perm --permissions=read,write --attrs=sn,cn
ipa: WARNING: Comma-separated value lists are no longer supported.
    Instead of:
      --permissions=abc --permissions=xyz
    or (in Bash):
ipa: ERROR: invalid 'permissions': "read,write" is not a valid permission

would reduce users' confusion when their commands stop working, or when they're following outdated guide.

For this we'd need to switch to JSON so we can get more detailed info about the error.

JSON has been default for some time and nobody has complained; no sense in adding this warning now.

Metadata Update from @pviktori:
- Issue assigned to pviktori
- Issue set to the milestone: Tickets Deferred

7 years ago

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