#3454 [RFE] Schema install and updates should be based on the same source
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by mkosek.

Having installed schema in one file and schema updates in other file(s) is error prone and causes issues as #3398.

We should instead base updates on the schema files and have the updater validate current DS schema with the LDIF file and amend the schema.

Simo suggested this process:

  1. Download schema from server (we already do this in the framework so it comes for free)
  2. parse the schema files and check if each attribute and objectclass is present and in the correct form.
  3. if any attribute is missing, we add it
  4. if any attribute has been changed, we change it
  5. same for object classes.

python-ldap's convenience classes can be used to make the comparing easier.

3.4 development was shifted by one month, moving tickets to reflect reality better.

Adjusting time plan - 3.4 development was postponed as we focused on 3.3.x testing and stabilization.


  • 2bc7803 Unify capitalization of attribute names in schema files
  • ec1585f Add formerly update-only schema
  • a1eb717 Make schema files conform to new updater
  • 6381d76 Remove schema special-casing from the LDAP updater
  • d9a1c09 Remove schema modifications from update files
  • b25f807 Update the man page for ipa-ldap-updater
  • f52d471 Add schema updater based on IPA schema files
  • 9e79d2b dsinstance: Move the list of schema filenames to a constant
  • 070868f ldapupdate: Factor out connection code

Metadata Update from @mkosek:
- Issue assigned to pviktori
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.0 - 2013/11

7 years ago

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