#3359 [RFE] Refuse to install with SELinux disabled
Closed: wontfix 5 years ago Opened 11 years ago by rcritten.

We do not support installing IPA with SELinux disabled. By default we should refuse to install at all. At most we should provide an unsupported option to skip this check.

Basically we would run selinuxenabled and if it returned 1 we would quit the installer.

permissive mode would be fine.

Should apply to a client installation as well.

We do not require SELinux with freeipa-client package:

[tbabej@vm ~]$ yum deplist freeipa-client | grep selinux[[BR]]
[tbabej@vm ~]$

Should we require SELinux enabled/permissive when the packages are installed and not when they're not?

Releasing since it's ages since I had any implementation in progress.

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue set to the milestone: Future Releases

7 years ago

Is this bug still relevant? For Debian / Ubuntu we have support for installation without SELinux support.

Metadata Update from @cheimes:
- Issue close_status updated to: None

6 years ago

Thank you taking time to submit this request for FreeIPA. Unfortunately this bug was not given priority and the team lacks the capacity to work on it at this time.

Given that we are unable to fulfil this request I am closing the issue as wontfix. To request re-consideration of this decision please reopen this issue and provide additional technical details about its importance to you.

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue close_status updated to: wontfix
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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