We expose an interface to show domain settings of a foreign AD domain (like NetBIOS name or SID), i.e. trust-show command.
However, we do not expose any interface to actually show configuration of IPA trust domain which is stored in cn=$DOMAIN,cn=ad,cn=etc,$SUFFIX. I would propose to create a command trustconfig-show --type=ad to display this entry.
trustconfig-show --type=ad
Creating a trustconfig-mod command is tricky, because modifying most of the values in this entry (SID, GUID, NetBIOS name) break lot of things.
attachment freeipa-mkosek-356-add-trusconfig-show-and-trustconfig-mod-commands.patch
Patch freeipa-mkosek-356-add-trusconfig-show-and-trustconfig-mod-commands.patch sent for review
master: 67d8b43[[BR]] ipa-3-1: 8c7a06e
Linked to Bugzilla bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=910453 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7)
Web UI part posted for review.
Looks good.
Web UI: Two prerequisite fixes pushed to master:
Core patch is waiting for #3483.
Web UI: Two prerequisite (same as in last commend) fixes pushed to ipa-3-1: - c07bd84 Fix handling of no_update flag in Web UI - 44db916 Fix dirty state update of editable combobox
Web UI, final page, master:
Rename "trusts" component to "Trusts" to achieve correct sorting.
Metadata Update from @mkosek: - Issue assigned to mkosek - Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 3.2 - 2013/02
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