Right now if one wants to migrate from the LDAP server that uses TLS he needs to import the cert into the NSS database on the IPA server manually. It would be nice if he could specify a cert file to use remotely and the command ipa migrate-ds would stick the cert into the NSS on his behalf. It might even remove it after the migration is done.
Moving my tickets back to free-to-take pool.
3.4 development was shifted by one month, moving tickets to reflect reality better.
This ticket should not be too complicated.
Adjusting time plan - 3.4 development was postponed as we focused on 3.3.x testing and stabilization.
master: efffcfd
Ticket has been cloned to Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1108232
Metadata Update from @dpal: - Issue assigned to mbasti - Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.0 - 2013/11
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