This ticket is a follow up for #2648.
Amazon EC2 cloud environment network architecture does not play well with IPA's demand for static IP address bound to one of its network interfaces. A short description of the EC2 networking:
To solve this ticket we would need to at least:
I can take this effort.
Ticket has been cloned to Bugzilla:
Moving my tickets back to free-to-take pool.
Replying to [ticket:2715 mkosek]:
To solve this ticket we would need to at least: * Make IP address checks less strict - the check if IP address is assigned to interface should rather be a warning and not a blocking error
Where is this check? In ipa-server-install or in some other places as well?
$ git grep ip_local install/tools/ipa-adtrust-install: type="ip", ip_local=True, help="Master Server IP install/tools/ipa-dns-install: type="ip", ip_local=True, help="Master Server IP Addr install/tools/ipa-replica-install: type="ip", ip_local=True, install/tools/ipa-server-install: type="ip", ip_local=True,
The check is in ipapython/, grep for match_local.
Metadata Update from @mkosek: - Issue assigned to mbasti - Issue set to the milestone: Future Releases
Metadata Update from @mbasti: - Issue assigned to stlaz (was: mbasti) - Issue close_status updated to: None
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