#2593 test AD trusts with ipa handling multiple DNS domains per realm
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by simo.

We need to make sure that if we have a trust between AD.COM and IPA.COM and a machine in IPA.COM is called shell.foo.com (note not ipa.com) that Windows Users on Windows machines joined to the AD.COM domain will be able to get tickets for host/shell.foo.com@IPA.COM

Changing 3.2 priority

Move all uncompleted tickets to next month bucket.

Moving unfinished March tickets to April milestone.

Rename "trusts" component to "Trusts" to achieve correct sorting.

Metadata Update from @simo:
- Issue assigned to abbra
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 3.2 - 2013/04 (Beta)

7 years ago

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