We need to make sure that if we have a trust between AD.COM and IPA.COM and a machine in IPA.COM is called shell.foo.com (note not ipa.com) that Windows Users on Windows machines joined to the AD.COM domain will be able to get tickets for host/shell.foo.com@IPA.COM
This ticket depends on https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2848
Move along with #2848
Related to #2848 and #2945.
Changing 3.2 priority
Move all uncompleted tickets to next month bucket.
Moving unfinished March tickets to April milestone.
The test case is covered by https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_freeipav3_ad_realmdomains_windows
Rename "trusts" component to "Trusts" to achieve correct sorting.
Metadata Update from @simo: - Issue assigned to abbra - Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 3.2 - 2013/04 (Beta)
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