#2316 [RFE] Add Host "managing services" search and list capabilities
Opened 12 years ago by edewata. Modified 7 years ago

Similar to ticket #1675, the host-find doesn't have the following options:

  --man-services=STR      Search for hosts managing these services.
  --not-man-services=STR  Search for hosts not managing these services.

These options would be useful for the Service's "Managed by Hosts" page in the UI. The --not-man-services option can be used to find hosts that have not already been managing the current service, thus avoiding duplicates.

I can do it as I implemented --man-hosts option.

Moving my tickets back to free-to-take pool.

Patch was obsoleted, removing on_review flag.

Metadata Update from @edewata:
- Issue assigned to someone
- Issue set to the milestone: Future Releases

7 years ago

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